(Sanskrit, literally "mind protection") A sacred word or sound. The use of sacred words and sounds is universal throughout all religions and mystical traditions, because the root of all creation is in the Great Breath or the Word, the Logos. "In the beginning was the Word..."
"When phonetic combinations are made with wisdom, mantras are produced. Therefore, a Mantra is a wise combination of letters whose sounds determine spiritual, psychic, and also physical effects... Mantras exist for each chakra; occult powers can be awakened with such mantras. Likewise, a great number of mantras exist for Astral projection, or in order to attain dominion over the Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. There also exist mantras that can defend us before the tenebrous entities, which dwell within the Abyss." - Logos Mantra TheurgyMaha Mantra
Here is a link to an explantation of the meaning and benefits of the Maha Mantra.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Aum Masi Padme Yum | "The mantra Aum Masi Padme Yum develops intuition when it is daily vocalized for ten minutes. This mantra is vocalized as follows: Ooooommmm mmmmaaaa ssssssssiiiiiiiii padddddmeeeee yommmmmm. This is the mantra of intuition." - The Revolution of Beelzebub |
Belilin | For protection from negative forces. Belilin... Belilin... Belilin... |
HIRAM | “Hiram” is also a mantra of the Kundalini. The “H” is pronounced like a sigh. The “I” is vocalized like this: iiiiiii; and the rest like this: rrrrrrraaaaaaaaammmmmmm." - Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology |
IAO | "I.A.O. is the mantra of sexual magic. The correct way to pronounce this mantra is to vocalize each letter separately, prolonging the sound of each vowel. The mantra I.A.O. must be vocalized during the moments of sexual magic in order to awaken our sacred fire." - Igneous Rose "The mantra IAO was also vocalized by Master Jesus during the trance of sexual magic; he knew how to withdraw in time from the sexual act in order to avoid seminal ejaculation; this is how Jesus awoke all of his occult powers. The mantra IAO is vocalized by breathing separately and prolonging the pronunciation of each of its three vowels; do not pronounce its three letters in one breath. IAO has the power of awakening the sacred serpent." - The Major Mysteries
Gate Gate Paragate | Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Swaha. "These mantras are not pronounced plainly. We have to learn how to chant them: yes, to chant them. With silence, empty mind, and relaxed body... So it is done, until one day in absence of the "I", the illuminating void (which is the truth) can be experienced." - 150 Answers |
OM | "The mantra OM has the power to awaken the frontal and cardiac chakras, namely, clairvoyance and intuition. We attain enlightenment by meditating on the mantra OM." - The Major Mysteries |
RAOM GAOM | The peppermint is intimately related with the Akasic records of Nature. The mantras of the peppermint permit us to remember our past reincarnations. These mantras are “RAOM GAOM”. These mantras can be vocalized mentally during the retrospection exercises performed in profound meditation, in order to remember our past lives. The mantras RAOM GAOM permit us to open the closed records of Nature’s memory in order to remember our past reincarnations. - Igneous Rose "It is urgent to combine the retrospective exercises with the following mantras: RAOM GAOM. Each word is divided into two syllables. One must accentuate the vowel O. These mantras are for the student what dynamite is for the miner. Thus, as the miner opens his way through the bowels of the earth with the aid of dynamite, similarly, the student also opens his way into the memories of his subconsciousness with the aid of these mantras." - The Perfect Matrimony |
RUSTI | "The Gnostic takes advantage of the natural state of transition between vigil and dream in order to leave his physical body. This is done naturally, as when one is walking out of his home. The individual simply pronounces the mantra RUSTI , and in the moment when he is getting drowsy, he gets out of his bed - not with the mind, nor the imagination, but as if he is really doing it with his body of flesh and bones. Hence, the physical body remains within the bed. The mantra is pronounced many times like this: Rrruuusssssssssttiiiiiiiiiiiiii." - The Revolution of Beelzebub |
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