The five Impressions of the Great Light are found represented within the Esoteric Pentagram.
The Gnostic Pentagram is the human figure with four limbs, and one unique apex which is the head.
The sign of the Pentagram is also called the sign of the Microcosm. It represents what the Kabbalist Rabbis of the book Zohar call the Microprosopos.
When the superior point of the Pentagram is pointing up, it represents the Savior of the world.
When the two inferior points of the Pentagram are pointing up, it represents the male goat of the Witches’ Sabbath.
A human figure with the head pointing down obviously represents a demon, that is to say, an intellectual subversion, disorder, or madness.
The Pentagram, which in Gnostic schools is known as the Flaming Star, is the sign of magic omnipotence.
The five Impressions of the Great Light and the five Helpers are contained within the Flaming Star. The five Helpers are the five Genii: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, and Samael.
The entire Treasury of the Light is contained within the Pentagram, and allegorizes the Human Being.
The comprehension of the magic Pentagram is the key of the two Spaces.
The sign of the Pentagram must be composed of the seven metals, or at least traced in pure Gold upon white virgin marble.
The seven metals are as follows: Silver, Mercury, Copper, Gold, Iron, Tin and Lead.
The Pentagram, with its superior ray pointing up, forces the columns of demons to scatter.
The Pentagram, with the two inferior rays pointing up, attracts the tenebrous ones.
When the Pentagram is traced with charcoal on the floor of the threshold (entrance) of the room, with its two inferior rays pointing towards the outside of the room, it does not permit the entrance of the tenebrous ones.
The Pentagram must be consecrated with the four elements, while reciting the exorcisms of fire, air, water and earth.
Five breaths must be blown upon the magic Pentagram figure.
The Flaming Star must be sprinkled five times with ritual water.
The figure of the Pentagram must be dried with the smoke of five perfumes: Frankincense, Myrrh, Aloe, Sulphur, and Camphor.
Afterwards, the Pentagram is placed on the floor, alternating successively to the North, South, East and West.
The name of Aleph and the sacred name of Thau must be uttered, united in the Kabbalistic name of Azoth.
While blowing the five breaths upon the Flaming Star, the five magic Helpers Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, and Samael, must be invoked.
The Blazing Pentagram, the Flaming Star, the sign of Divine omnipotence, the ineffable symbol of the Verb made flesh, the terrific star of the Magi, is also named Pentalpha because it contains in itself five Alphas, that is to say five letters “A” within its five angles.
PENTA = Signifies Five in Greek.
ALPHA = First letter of the Greek Alphabet.
GRAMMA = Graphic or Letter in Greek.
Around the Pentalpha we find the word TETRAGRAMMATON.
TETRA = Signifies four in Greek.
GRAMMA = Signifies Graphic or Letter in Greek.
TON = In the Greek language at the end of any word, denotes the union of two, three, four, five or more unities or letters in one single name or unity.
Therefore TETRAGRAMMATON is the magic word or Greek “mantra” of an Immense Priesthood Power that synthesizes in one unity the four Kabbalistics letters (Iod, He Vau, He) that in kabbalah are utilized to name divinity.
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