"This is a free online course providing complete practical guidance regarding the ancient universal knowledge of awakening in the Internal Worlds, otherwise known as lucid dreaming, astral projection, astral travel, or out-of-body experiences (OBEs).
This course is founded upon the tradition established by Samael Aun Weor and is as such Gnostic: Gnosis is a Greek word which refers to knowledge that one acquires through one's own experience, as opposed to knowledge we have heard or been told.
"Gnosis" is the name of a timeless and universal teaching that has been present in many times and many places around the world, appearing with different names and faces, but always teaching the exact science to awaken the consciousness and walk on the Path toward the Self-realization of the Being.
This course offers the essential instructions so that anyone, anywhere, regardless of any distinctions or qualifications, may enter into their own direct knowledge of the living realities that surround us, yet remain inaccessible to the physical senses.
Although interest in this subject is growing, there are many people who have been frustrated in their attempts to enter into this knowledge. Reading books or attending seminars usually leaves the seeker with more questions, doubts, and contradictions."I have found these exercises most useful when applied with serious consistency. Keep in mind Astral travel is not an amusement park for the ego and should be treated with respect and reverence. Here is the class and here is the podcast of the book.
1 comment:
Yes, I agree, just practising from book information can be quite risky if at all one is sucessful in projecting to the Astral. Its good to see Gnostic centers coming up with structured courses.
There is another Online course on Astral Travel that is offered free online by a different Gnostic organization. They also offer it in some select study centers, The links are below.
I no longer practise Astral Travel, and have moved on to other practises, but I occationally have some spontaneous experiences. I did have several good experiences when I used to practise.
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