Thursday, March 5, 2009

Glorian: Sex and Spirituality

They offer a profound teaching on chastity and transmutation of the sexual energy in order to create the Solar Bodies. After having experimented with many paths this one has been the most useful to my Essence. It is controversial. I understand we all have different spiritual aspirations and are drawn to what we need. I needed this, maybe you do as well.

May you all be happy, healthy and prosperous.


  1. I'm curious about this.
    I'm wondering what you mean by "chastity".
    Is there a particular video or webpage somewhere that lays it out a bit?

    I'm glad you've got something that's working for you. :)


  2. Hey sweetness,
    Drop me a line at gracefulgnosis @ gmail. I would like to spend a little time explaining it to you and the changes I have come to in my work through it. Rather not share the nitty gritty here.
