We have such a misunderstanding of this beautiful tradition. Propaganda. The misdirected action of sick people. Our overall misunderstanding of ancient wisdom. Let us educate ourselves and understand.
This is taken from Gnostic Teachings.org Read the full article here.
Islam is Arabic for "submission to God's will."
The Qur'an (Koran) was composed by the Master Muhammad in A.D. 610. Upon the dissemination of his doctrine, he was widely persecuted, and sought refuge from Mecca to Medina.
The life of the Prophet is one of controversy and scandal, yet this has always be the fate of those who follow the Direct Path, the Path of the Bodhisattva. Let us remember that there are two Laws.
* The Second Law: the Law of Deuteronomy
* The First Law: the Law of Christ
Deuteronomy consists of the Twelve Commandments (ten which are public and two which are esoteric), which any disciple or Initiate must follow before reaching the height of Tiphereth. It is from there that the Initiate must decide which path to take: the Straight or the Spiral Way.
Those who take the Straight Path, as Muhammad did, fall under the auspices of the First Law, which transcends the code Deuteronomy. This is why Muhammad was known to do things that contradict the Fifth Commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Kill."
Even the first Dalai Lamas waged war for Christ, Allah, Chenrezig. Being beyond the written Commandments, they only follow the will of their Father Who is in Heaven, Who is beyond Good and Evil. This is why the life of any prophet is one of scandal, since humanity cannot comprehend the revolutionary ethics of the Lord.
The Venerable Master Muhammad wrote:I have not brought you a new religion. I have brought you the religion, in an unchanged, untampered with way.
We know from Gnosis that all religions are precious pearls strung upon the golden thread of Divinity. Muhammad clearly professed the same in his doctrine. The Qur'an was a reaffirmation of faith for the Initiates of his time, who were surrounded and persecuted by the fanatics, those who only carried the corpse of Christianity and Judaism within their afflicted minds and hearts.
We can say that the following is a description of a true Muslim, or "one who submits to Allah:"
There is no piety in turning your faces towards the east or the west, but he is pious who believeth in Allah (the Cosmic Christ), and the last day (the Resurrection), and the angels (the Resurrected), and the Scriptures (the Word of Allah), and the prophets (Bodhisattvas); who for love of Allah distribute his wealth (Dharma) to his kindred (fellow disciples), and to the orphans (without their Divine Parents), and the needy (the sleeping ones), and the wayfarer (the Hermit of the Ninth Arcanum), and those who ask (from their humility), and for ransoming (negotiations with the Great Law); who observeth prayer (remember God), and payeth the legal alms (to the Lords of the Law), and who is of those who are faithful to their engagements when they have engaged in them (who do not follow the way of the Hanassmussen with a double personality), and patient under ills and hardships, and in time of trouble: these are they who are just, and these are they who fear the Lord. -Qur'an 2:172
It is to the great detriment of humanity that the words of Muhammad have been so grossly misunderstood. Yet the meaning of his revelation is clearly stated in the Qur'an:
He (Allah) it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental of established meaning; they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge (Da'ath) say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding (Binah). -Qur'an 3:7
It has been the mistake of many who call themselves Muslim to persecute and kill those who do not follow Islam. Yet, these scribes and pharisees ignore their own Qur'an, and interpret it according to their fears, prejudices and fanaticism. So let us answer: who are the infidels?
And they (the infidels: fornicators) say, "None but Jews or Christians (who follow the dogmas of the Sensual and Intermediate Minds) shall enter Paradise.' This is their wish. SAY: Give your proofs (from the Consciousness) if ye speak the truth.
But they who set their face with resignation Godward, and do what is right (by awakening the Inner Mind),— their reward is with their Lord; no fear shall come on them, neither shall they be grieved.
Moreover, the Jews say, "The Christians lean on nought:" "On nought lean the Jews," say the Christians: Yet both are readers of the Book. So with like words say they who have no knowledge (Gnosis: direct experience). But on the resurrection day, Allah shall judge between them as to that in which they differ. -Qur'an 2:5-7
The infidels are the fornicators, the blasphemous ones who say they are Jews (Initiates), yet are not (Revelation 2:9). But we do not need to worry ourselves about the unbelievers outside of us; we have to direct our attention to those unbelievers (fornicating egos) within our psyche. These internal unbelievers are the ones we must kill in the name of Allah; it is necessary to die in oneself, to annihilate those psychic aggregates who pollute the temple of our soul with their putrescence. This is the meaning of Jihad (Holy War).
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