I waiver in my feelings about finding a partner to perform The Work with. I realize the Being will provide one when the time is right, but it brings to mind the story about the man on the roof during a flood. As the water rose, rescue boats came by and he declined their invitation. "No, no, God will save me." He does this three times and eventually no more boats come. He ends up drowning and as he meets a Master in Death he says "Why, why did God let me die? I had Faith. I believed in him." The Master replied " Who do you think sent the boats." Makes me giggle and reflect each time I hear that little parable.
Well, it seems time to launch back into the wide world of dating and with no interest in bars, living on a tree farm and having a keen interest in both writing and the internet... Seems the most appropriate avenue is the trusty personal ad. Without further ado, here is what I got. Pass it along if know someone who might be well suited and if not, have a laugh at this silly solution.
K, Thanks.
"As I settle into my early thirties and look around it seems we have lost our collective mind. We are working really hard to be "different", "unique" and decidedly dark. I spent my 20's toying around with all sorts of interesting "scenes" and experiencing that vast emptiness that a materialistic lifestyle can bring. Travels, sultry costumes, cocktails and hollow conversations with people I did not have much in common with.
Now I seek something different. Perhaps you do as well. I do not mean to sound judgmental, I know we are all seeking happiness the best way we know how. That being said, I know enough about myself to know where I want to go and who I'd like to have at my side. A friend of mine once told me when he looked around at his friends there was a subtle organization of those who he would want in a foxhole with him and those he would rather not have in there. While the violence that would require the foxhole is not where I want to be, I gotta agree. I want people around who you would want in a foxhole. Self sufficient, witty, intuitive, trustworthy, brave and observant are things that come to mind...
Lists of requirements are rather tacky and compare and contrast of interests seems a silly way to find a friend or mate but we gotta work with what we got, so here goes...
I enjoy silly. Seriously gut busting comedic joy is the way into the gates of this heart. Not the sort of humor that uses others as a the butt of the joke. I wanna be able to throw on a chicken outfit and serenade you with polish love songs only to have you counter with a tutu and Tom Waits.. The sound of our laughter is the best medicine and I dont mind looking foolish to get there.
All silliness aside, I am an eternal student seeking wisdom and knowledge both physically practical and esoteric. I get along best with people who have a bit of a Taoist mindset and a practical work ethic. Money is pretty low on the totem pole for me but self sufficiency is paramount. I don't need a daddy and I don't wanna be your mommy. (But I do bake some mean cookies and adore my friends and lovers with small handmade gifts and soothing words.) I am active without being freaky about it. Prefer a walk in nature and some Qi Gong to pounding the StairMaster and cardio class at the local 24 hr fitness. Actually, I live on a farm, there is no local 24 hour fitness. But I digress.
I love books. Information gluttony is something I battle with. Books are my drug. Flipping through the pages of an ancient text on meditation, an encyclopedia of natural medicine or large print art books is where you will find me any given day. Love to play music and listen to inspiring world, classical, break beat and the likes of Billie, Eartha, Johhny and Patsy.
Spinning poi is a form of devotion for me. ( Hue Hue Teotle deserves our respect.) Making things from scratch be it sweaters and candles or muffins and websites, is a pleasure that I can not deny. I embrace the traditional roles of femininity without the need to assert my ability to make it in a man's world. I can, I have and I choose instead to be receptive, soft and nurturing. That does not negate strength or ability and hopefully a subtle shift will happen in our culture to remind women of this again very soon.
Physically I have no "type". I am much more concerned with your interest in spiritual knowledge and ability to be present with me than your haircut and pant size. Truth be told, I am a stickler for things and people that smell good and generally base my attraction on this primal mechanism. In the past, my partners have been tall and thin but that is circumstance more than preference. Realistically, someone between 27 and 40 would probably be best but I am no ageist so if you feel the call to drop a line- please do.
My body type is somewhere between a coop girl and Queen Latifa so if you prefer lil women, I am not the one. I shave my head to remind me to stay humble and am considered attractive by traditional standards. I spent a lot of time living off my image, so if that's your main motivating factor- we should probably skip it. These days, I prefer a natural beauty regimen and someone who is more interested in my Being than my garter belt. By natural I do not mean overly hairy. I am placing this in the platonic section because ultimately, I am looking for a deep friendship first and hold sexuality sacred. (Without being prudish or repressed.)
This novella is carrying on a bit too long, so I'll just throw in some final loves in the hopes that this finds the friends I seek and perhaps a special friend that will develop into something more. Expectation is the key to disappointment, so let us be open minded.
Simple Organic Living
Sacred Sexuality
Natural Medicine
Martial Arts and Yoga
Primivitve Skill building
Esoteric Traditions
Community Building
Teachings kids
Playing in the water and the woods
road trips
wood burning hot tubs
self realization
studies in and expansion of consciousness
Most importantly:
Being fully present every second that I can.
May you be happy, healthy and prosperous in your search for companionship.
1 comment:
It sounds good. :)
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