Monday, February 23, 2009
Comet Lulin heading our way

Comet Lulin will over the next couple of nights be visible to the naked eye as it approaches to within 38m miles of Earth, although sky gazers shouldn't expect to see more than a "fuzzball".
NASA's Swift Gamma-ray Explorer satellite has been keeping an eye on the object, discovered in 2007 by Ye Quanzhi and Lin Chi-Sheng from Taiwan's Lulin Observatory, as it creeps across the heavens.
Lulin is unusual in that it orbits the Sun in a clockwise direction - as opposed to the anti-clockwise path followed by all the solar system's planets and most other bodies. As it prepares for its closest encounter with the Sun, it's sheddding "nearly 800 gallons of water each second" - or enough to "fill an Olympic-size swimming pool in less than 15 minutes", as NASA correctly quantifies it.
This revelation came from Swift's Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) which "can't see water directly" but is able to pick up hydroxyl (OH) molecules which, along with hydrogen atoms, are produced by the Sun's ultraviolet action on the water. In Lulin's case, the satellite detected a hydroxyl cloud "spanning nearly 250,000 miles, or slightly greater than the distance between Earth and the moon".
For those of you hoping to cop an eyeful of Lulin, the Telegraph explains that "for most locations in the Northern Hemisphere, Lulin will be easiest to spot after midnight, when it is high in the sky".
However, Joe Rao, of told the paper: "For those not-so-seasoned folks, I would advise them not to expect anything awe-inspiring. Visually to the naked eye in a dark sky, Lulin looks like a dim, fuzzy 'star' and in a small telescope it appears like a fuzzball... somewhat brighter and more concentrated near the centre and more diffuse around the edges. As comets go, it's nice, but casual skywatchers are more likely to say, 'That's it?' as opposed to more experienced observers who might actually utter, 'Oh, wow'."
There's more on the Swift observations of Lulin, including additional data from its X-Ray Telescope here. ®
Finding an Alchemical partner...

I waiver in my feelings about finding a partner to perform The Work with. I realize the Being will provide one when the time is right, but it brings to mind the story about the man on the roof during a flood. As the water rose, rescue boats came by and he declined their invitation. "No, no, God will save me." He does this three times and eventually no more boats come. He ends up drowning and as he meets a Master in Death he says "Why, why did God let me die? I had Faith. I believed in him." The Master replied " Who do you think sent the boats." Makes me giggle and reflect each time I hear that little parable.
Well, it seems time to launch back into the wide world of dating and with no interest in bars, living on a tree farm and having a keen interest in both writing and the internet... Seems the most appropriate avenue is the trusty personal ad. Without further ado, here is what I got. Pass it along if know someone who might be well suited and if not, have a laugh at this silly solution.
K, Thanks.
"As I settle into my early thirties and look around it seems we have lost our collective mind. We are working really hard to be "different", "unique" and decidedly dark. I spent my 20's toying around with all sorts of interesting "scenes" and experiencing that vast emptiness that a materialistic lifestyle can bring. Travels, sultry costumes, cocktails and hollow conversations with people I did not have much in common with.
Now I seek something different. Perhaps you do as well. I do not mean to sound judgmental, I know we are all seeking happiness the best way we know how. That being said, I know enough about myself to know where I want to go and who I'd like to have at my side. A friend of mine once told me when he looked around at his friends there was a subtle organization of those who he would want in a foxhole with him and those he would rather not have in there. While the violence that would require the foxhole is not where I want to be, I gotta agree. I want people around who you would want in a foxhole. Self sufficient, witty, intuitive, trustworthy, brave and observant are things that come to mind...
Lists of requirements are rather tacky and compare and contrast of interests seems a silly way to find a friend or mate but we gotta work with what we got, so here goes...
I enjoy silly. Seriously gut busting comedic joy is the way into the gates of this heart. Not the sort of humor that uses others as a the butt of the joke. I wanna be able to throw on a chicken outfit and serenade you with polish love songs only to have you counter with a tutu and Tom Waits.. The sound of our laughter is the best medicine and I dont mind looking foolish to get there.
All silliness aside, I am an eternal student seeking wisdom and knowledge both physically practical and esoteric. I get along best with people who have a bit of a Taoist mindset and a practical work ethic. Money is pretty low on the totem pole for me but self sufficiency is paramount. I don't need a daddy and I don't wanna be your mommy. (But I do bake some mean cookies and adore my friends and lovers with small handmade gifts and soothing words.) I am active without being freaky about it. Prefer a walk in nature and some Qi Gong to pounding the StairMaster and cardio class at the local 24 hr fitness. Actually, I live on a farm, there is no local 24 hour fitness. But I digress.
I love books. Information gluttony is something I battle with. Books are my drug. Flipping through the pages of an ancient text on meditation, an encyclopedia of natural medicine or large print art books is where you will find me any given day. Love to play music and listen to inspiring world, classical, break beat and the likes of Billie, Eartha, Johhny and Patsy.
Spinning poi is a form of devotion for me. ( Hue Hue Teotle deserves our respect.) Making things from scratch be it sweaters and candles or muffins and websites, is a pleasure that I can not deny. I embrace the traditional roles of femininity without the need to assert my ability to make it in a man's world. I can, I have and I choose instead to be receptive, soft and nurturing. That does not negate strength or ability and hopefully a subtle shift will happen in our culture to remind women of this again very soon.
Physically I have no "type". I am much more concerned with your interest in spiritual knowledge and ability to be present with me than your haircut and pant size. Truth be told, I am a stickler for things and people that smell good and generally base my attraction on this primal mechanism. In the past, my partners have been tall and thin but that is circumstance more than preference. Realistically, someone between 27 and 40 would probably be best but I am no ageist so if you feel the call to drop a line- please do.
My body type is somewhere between a coop girl and Queen Latifa so if you prefer lil women, I am not the one. I shave my head to remind me to stay humble and am considered attractive by traditional standards. I spent a lot of time living off my image, so if that's your main motivating factor- we should probably skip it. These days, I prefer a natural beauty regimen and someone who is more interested in my Being than my garter belt. By natural I do not mean overly hairy. I am placing this in the platonic section because ultimately, I am looking for a deep friendship first and hold sexuality sacred. (Without being prudish or repressed.)
This novella is carrying on a bit too long, so I'll just throw in some final loves in the hopes that this finds the friends I seek and perhaps a special friend that will develop into something more. Expectation is the key to disappointment, so let us be open minded.
Simple Organic Living
Sacred Sexuality
Natural Medicine
Martial Arts and Yoga
Primivitve Skill building
Esoteric Traditions
Community Building
Teachings kids
Playing in the water and the woods
road trips
wood burning hot tubs
self realization
studies in and expansion of consciousness
Most importantly:
Being fully present every second that I can.
May you be happy, healthy and prosperous in your search for companionship.
For the love of inspiring podcasts...
Drishti Point is a one hour talk show on yoga, meditation, and spirituality. The yoga teachers that make up the Drishti Point Collective believe that the physical postures of yoga (asanas) are only one part of yoga as an all encompassing philosophy and lifestyle. Drishti Point features live interviews with yoga and meditation teachers, Buddhist scholars, and wellness practitioners.
DRISHTI POINT airs every Monday from 5-6pm PST on CFRO 102.7 FM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cynthia McKinney ( Green Party)
We try not to get to identified with current events but with the intensity of the current speed of devolution, it can be a difficult task...
This has some important information, if it is new to you, don't worry. We just have to be aware.
Texas Fireball...
Apparently a flaming Meteor, Being, energy source, (something) flew into Texas yesterdaySweet.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Guided Meditations and Dharma lectures
Enjoy this great website with many practices and hours of inspiring chats regarding various facets of Buddhism.
Rumi love poems...

Since today is truly a day to adore our Beloved.
"I have phrases and whole pages memorized,
but nothing can be told of love.
You must wait until you and I
are living together.
In the conversation we'll have patient...then."
"When the sweet glance of my true love caught my eyes,
Like alchemy, it transformed my copper-like soul.
I searched for Him with a thousand hands,
He stretched out His arms and clutched my feet."
"With the Beloved's water of life, no illness remains
In the Beloved's rose garden of union, no thorn remains.
They say there is a window from one heart to another
How can there be a window where no wall remains?"
"When your chest is free of your limiting ego,
Then you will see the ageless Beloved.
You can not see yourself without a mirror;
Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror."
"Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy,
absentminded. Someone sober
will worry about things going badly.
Let the lover be."
"The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along."
I hope your hearts are afire with the flame of conscious love today.
May all Beings be happy.
Mechanicity and the "science" of kissng.
Interesting tidbits about the physiology of kissing...
"Researchers believe that the touching of lips is a "biological" quality control strategy for "mate assessment" which has evolved over millions of years.
It also triggers certain hormones that reduce stress, increase attachment between a couple and increases the sex drive.
Dr Helen Fisher, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University, New Jersey, said men use a kiss to subconsciously assess levels of oestrogen and therefore fertility.
Women on the other hand are sizing the man up to see how strong his immune system and health is and how well he looks after himself.
Both sexes use the information to make a choice before committing to sex because then the outcome could be too "expensive".
Dr Fisher said she believes both men and women use kissing for "mate choice, for sizing someone up, not only socially but chemically".
Citing research by Gordon Gallup, of Albany University, and other researchers she said unconsciously perspective lovers checked the fertility of the mate they were kissing.
She said men like "sloppier kisses" because they are testing the saliva to see how fertile a woman is.
"The hypothesis is they're trying to get small traces of oestrogen to see where the woman is in her menstrual cycle to indicate the state of her fertility," she said.
She said women used smell as they are kissing to deduce some things about the man's immune system.
"There's some who suggest by kissing a man a woman is unconsciously able to detect aspects of a particular complex of genes in the immune system...... and that what they're doing is being turned on my someone with different variations in the system," she said.
"They're more attracted to a different immune system"
Dr Fisher said that the kiss was too common across all cultures not to have a serious underlying objective.
"Over 90 per cent of societies around the world kiss and a great many animals," she said.
"These are all devices we use to size up an individual before we do something like have sex with them which is very metabolically expensive and very time consuming.
"It is almost parsimonious to think that kissing would be an adaptive mechanism for assessing the quality of an individual."
She said that once a couple had decided they wanted each other that the body then produced hormones that produced "romantic love".
She said: "Part of the brain becomes active like a rush of cocaine. Romantic love is not an emotion. It comes from the motor of the mind, the craving part of the mind, where you reach for that chocolate. It's a drive."
Asked if the first kiss could make or break a relationship, she said: "In one study, 66 per cent of women and 59 per cent of men reported they had become attracted to somebody and then with the first kiss they ended it."
"Researchers believe that the touching of lips is a "biological" quality control strategy for "mate assessment" which has evolved over millions of years.
It also triggers certain hormones that reduce stress, increase attachment between a couple and increases the sex drive.
Dr Helen Fisher, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University, New Jersey, said men use a kiss to subconsciously assess levels of oestrogen and therefore fertility.
Women on the other hand are sizing the man up to see how strong his immune system and health is and how well he looks after himself.
Both sexes use the information to make a choice before committing to sex because then the outcome could be too "expensive".
Dr Fisher said she believes both men and women use kissing for "mate choice, for sizing someone up, not only socially but chemically".
Citing research by Gordon Gallup, of Albany University, and other researchers she said unconsciously perspective lovers checked the fertility of the mate they were kissing.
She said men like "sloppier kisses" because they are testing the saliva to see how fertile a woman is.
"The hypothesis is they're trying to get small traces of oestrogen to see where the woman is in her menstrual cycle to indicate the state of her fertility," she said.
She said women used smell as they are kissing to deduce some things about the man's immune system.
"There's some who suggest by kissing a man a woman is unconsciously able to detect aspects of a particular complex of genes in the immune system...... and that what they're doing is being turned on my someone with different variations in the system," she said.
"They're more attracted to a different immune system"
Dr Fisher said that the kiss was too common across all cultures not to have a serious underlying objective.
"Over 90 per cent of societies around the world kiss and a great many animals," she said.
"These are all devices we use to size up an individual before we do something like have sex with them which is very metabolically expensive and very time consuming.
"It is almost parsimonious to think that kissing would be an adaptive mechanism for assessing the quality of an individual."
She said that once a couple had decided they wanted each other that the body then produced hormones that produced "romantic love".
She said: "Part of the brain becomes active like a rush of cocaine. Romantic love is not an emotion. It comes from the motor of the mind, the craving part of the mind, where you reach for that chocolate. It's a drive."
Asked if the first kiss could make or break a relationship, she said: "In one study, 66 per cent of women and 59 per cent of men reported they had become attracted to somebody and then with the first kiss they ended it."
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Video: The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class
Don't be fooled by the morbid title. This is a concise look into some of our current financial woes and American spending habits. Maxed Out and Freedom to Facsism are excellent as well. Samael had a chapter on money in Intro to Gnosis that discussed our psychological dependency on money for things other than its intended purpose.It is a complicated issue.
"Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches contract law, bankruptcy, and commercial law at Harvard Law School. She is an outspoken critic of America's credit economy, which she has linked to the continuing rise in bankruptcy among the middle-class."
"Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches contract law, bankruptcy, and commercial law at Harvard Law School. She is an outspoken critic of America's credit economy, which she has linked to the continuing rise in bankruptcy among the middle-class."
Friday, February 6, 2009
Hebrew Alphabet Song
This is silly but looks like a valuable tool to help learn the Hebrew alphabet for Jewish or Kabbalah studies.
Snagged from a poster at Gnostic
Snagged from a poster at Gnostic
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Mercury Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup
January 28, 2009 01:20 PM ET | Maura Judkis |
Quantities of mercury have been found in high fructose corn syrup, the ingredient that has replaced sugar in many of our processed foods. Reports have also come out that the FDA knew about traces of the toxic substance in food, and sat on the information. This news comes out just as we've learned that the peanut butter factory responsible for the salmonella outbreak has a storied history of health violations. What a week for food safety.
Mercury in high fructose corn syrup affects many of the most popular foods in America, including yogurt, soda, candy, juice and jelly. Even a small amount of it can be seriously unhealthy.
"Mercury is toxic in all its forms,” said IATP’s David Wallinga, M.D., and a co-author in both studies. “Given how much high fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the FDA to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply."
The Corn Refiners Association is disputing the results of the study, but a watchdog group's study turned up similar results. More research is needed to determine exactly which foods are affected, but some of the foods tested were from the brands Hershey's, Quaker, Hunt's, Manwich, Smucker's, Kraft, Nutri-Grain, and Yoplait. We've already read that high fructose corn syrup can contribute to obesity and diabetes. With this recent scare, will people take a turn away from processed foods to more natural eating habits? Or have processed foods become an irreplacable part of the American diet?
Quantities of mercury have been found in high fructose corn syrup, the ingredient that has replaced sugar in many of our processed foods. Reports have also come out that the FDA knew about traces of the toxic substance in food, and sat on the information. This news comes out just as we've learned that the peanut butter factory responsible for the salmonella outbreak has a storied history of health violations. What a week for food safety.
Mercury in high fructose corn syrup affects many of the most popular foods in America, including yogurt, soda, candy, juice and jelly. Even a small amount of it can be seriously unhealthy.
"Mercury is toxic in all its forms,” said IATP’s David Wallinga, M.D., and a co-author in both studies. “Given how much high fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the FDA to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply."
The Corn Refiners Association is disputing the results of the study, but a watchdog group's study turned up similar results. More research is needed to determine exactly which foods are affected, but some of the foods tested were from the brands Hershey's, Quaker, Hunt's, Manwich, Smucker's, Kraft, Nutri-Grain, and Yoplait. We've already read that high fructose corn syrup can contribute to obesity and diabetes. With this recent scare, will people take a turn away from processed foods to more natural eating habits? Or have processed foods become an irreplacable part of the American diet?
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