Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I am filled with gratitude this morning for all the amazing opportunities that have presented themselves this year for spiritual growth, connection and simple, pleasurable work endeavors. I am thankful for my friends and family who have stuck out some major changes with me in the last few years. I am thankful for every last bit of a childhood that took me a long time to understand and move forward from. I am thankful to my bosses for inviting me to live in such a magical place and to my roommate for being such a supportive and amazing friend over the last year. I hope you all get the happiness you deserve served up with warm socks and fresh cookies. You are indeed, the bee's knees.

Most importantly-I am thankful to have heard the call back to the Divine and seek to show that gratitude with what is left of this life.
Om Tat Sat.

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