Friday, October 10, 2008

Heavy Mind: MTV Marshal Law commercial

It is with a heavy heart I grow more and more concerned for the state of humanity. Things are progressing at such an alarming rate in the international markets and with things like this airing on MTV, it certainly gives one pause to reflect on the trying times ahead. Sorry, I don't have anything uplifting or inspiring to report as of late. Maintaining equanimity in these trying times is becoming more elusive for me. I pray you are all building community and spending time enjoying some silence and peace, things are bubbling up into quite the circus.


  1. Do you want to improve the world?
    I don't think it can be done.

    The world is sacred.
    It can't be improved.
    If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
    If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.

    There is a time for being ahead,
    a time for being behind;
    a time for being in motion,
    a time for being at rest;
    a time for being vigorous,
    a time for being exhausted;
    a time for being safe,
    a time for being in danger.

    The Master sees things as they are,
    without trying to control them.
    She lets them go their own way,
    and resides at the center of the circle.
    Lao Tzu
    Tao Te Ching 29

  2. The state of humanity cannot be in such a bad state, after the events that transpired one week ago (election)! We shall see what the future holds, but it is nice that the majority of the world has made a 180 degree shift from complaining about the US president to celebrating him.
