I am filled with gratitude this morning for all the amazing opportunities that have presented themselves this year for spiritual growth, connection and simple, pleasurable work endeavors. I am thankful for my friends and family who have stuck out some major changes with me in the last few years. I am thankful for every last bit of a childhood that took me a long time to understand and move forward from. I am thankful to my bosses for inviting me to live in such a magical place and to my roommate for being such a supportive and amazing friend over the last year. I hope you all get the happiness you deserve served up with warm socks and fresh cookies. You are indeed, the bee's knees.
Most importantly-I am thankful to have heard the call back to the Divine and seek to show that gratitude with what is left of this life.
Om Tat Sat.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Solar Power Generator
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
12,000 Yr old female Shaman's grave found (Israel)

(From www.time.com)
A new figure in humanity's history emerged last week when archaeologists announced the discovery of what could be one of the world's oldest known spiritual figures. After years of meticulous excavation just miles from Israel's Mediterranean coast, scientists from the Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem unearthed a 12,000-year-old grave that held the remains of a diminutive "shaman" woman. Buried alongside the woman's small, huddled corpse were selected pieces of animal bone, a cowtail, an eagle wing, the foot of another human, and, most curiously, some fifty tortoise shells deliberately arranged around the woman's body — all tell-tale signs, experts say, of her lofty social status at the time. "This is something very special; it stands apart," says Leore Grosman, the project's lead archaeologist.
How mankind emerged from Paleolithic prehistory into a world of alphabets and cities is still a story riddled with questions. Even the first settled agriculturalist communities from which our records begin seem far removed from the cave-dwelling, fur-clad hunter-gatherers whom we imagine to be mankind's ancestors. The discovery of a shaman this ancient offers a startling glimpse into this little-known past, a portrait of prehistoric ritual belief and of clear lines of social hierarchy taking shape.
The grave is thought to belong to the Natufian culture, a nomadic society which existed along the eastern Mediterranean roughly between 11,500 and 15,000 years ago. Located near other burial sites, the woman's body was distinctly encased in a limestone enclosure, a tomb sealed by a rock slab that Grosman's team managed to lift in 2006. The following two years were spent painstakingly analyzing the remains found within. Pieces of jewelry, ornamental seashells, or the odd tool have been found in other Natufian graves, but the careful arrangement of the woman's body — her back rested against a wall, legs spread and bent inward from the knee — as well as the surrounding ring of tortoise shells piqued the archaeologists' interest. "This kind of assemblage is different from everything you find elsewhere," says Ofer Bar-Yosef, a Harvard anthropologist who has worked on previous Natufian excavations. "It's the sign of a sort of elite emerging among hunter-gatherers."
Shamans are mystics whose common function in traditional cultures was that of a healer. Analysis of the woman's remains date her as being 45-years-old, a significant age at a time when life was nasty, brutish and short. She was under five feet tall and deformities in her spinal and pelvic bones give the impression that she may have walked with a limp, or dragged her feet. The presence of the hollowed-out tortoise shells, combined with intact bone pieces of leopards and other creatures — the complete forearm of a wild boar, for example, was placed under the woman's own arm — suggest that those living around her believed she had some sort of animist power.
The common narrative of mankind's development generally starts with humans planting crops and settling down in one place to reap what they sow, founding villages that would form the building blocks of human civilization. But further study of the Natufian culture and other parallel societies, such as those living by China's Yellow River, is complicating that belief. Agriculture was not established in the Levant when the Natufians lived there, but they still erected rudimentary structures to inhabit. Traces in the soil of the remains of mice and sparrows — animals that exist most commonly in places of human settlement — point to a significant population boom in the Natufian period. They may not have had seasonal harvests, but the people of this time lived in a complex and perhaps even flourishing society. "What we see [with the Natufian burial rites] is the beginning of a tribal system," says Bar-Yosef. The shaman, buried with her mysteries, looms mercurially over this moment.
Grosman speculates that the elaborate ritual behind the shaman's burial probably helped bind people together at a time of great social transformation. The Natufian culture, she says, was "transitional," moving from the era of the nomadic life of hunter-gatherers into a more stable, sedentary mode. Their descendants were likely the inhabitants of West Asia's great kingdoms of antiquity. Somewhere beneath our vision of sceptered monarchs in their pillared palaces, it can be surmised, rests a hobbled woman upon a bed of tortoise shells.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Advice please: Community Supported Medicine?

Greetings friends,
As many of you know, I have been studying herbal medicine and doing an internship with a local herbal pharmacy. It is going really well and feels like coming home. In trying to figure out how to fund the making of about 40 different kinds of tinctures it occurred to me that the same system that works for community supported agriculture might work. The query that presents itself is how would that work and be the most beneficial and cost effective for everyone involved. I need your illumination to help figure this one out, so any ideas or concerns would be considered and appreciated.
The vision is that these would be all organic or wild crafted herbs in organic grain or grape alcohol made with a combination maceration and cold percolation method. The expensive part is the organic alcohol. After doing quite a bit of research it seems organic grape alcohol would be best. It is great for people with allergies to corn and also extracts more of the medicinal properties of the herbs (according to the studies I found). There is a local Oregon company that produces small batch organic alcohols which will be perfect. The cost for a gallon of grape alcohol is about $150. That may sound pricey but if you consider regular old generic grain alcohol (which inevitably contains genetically modified corn)is 13.95 a fifth it's only about double for the best quality stuff you can put in there. I don't think that's unreasonable at all but considering I'll need about 10 gallons before its all said and done, this is a costly endeavor.
How can you help? Put your noggin to the grindstone and help me figure out a way to put this together so a small group of people can put in a lil cash and get a selection of tinctures for their use. This could be done a few ways, like people who buy in get to select a number of tinctures based on their buy in. Or everyone who contributes gets 5-10 basic tinctures covering basic immune system boosting, blood cleaning, energizing, etc. I dunno how to put it all together really. Help! Have no desire to develop this into business, but I would like to make affordable herbals for anyone I can.
Whether or not you are interested in joining such a project, your opinion and ideas would be very beneficial. If you thinks its a bad idea: I want to hear why. Anything that might help flesh this into something workable. Thanks for taking the time to read this and give it some thought. May your holiday season be blessed with peace, prosperity and of course, good health.
The Disappearing Male
"We are conducting a vast toxicological experiment in which our children and our children's children are the experimental subjects." Dr. Herbert Needleman
The Disappearing Male is about one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system.
The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer. Some researchers say that declining male fertility rates could be the first sign of extinction.
At the same time, boys are now far more at risk of suffering from ADHD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia.
The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world.
Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles, they are called "hormone mimicking" or "endocrine disrupting" chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development.
The Disappearing Male is about one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system.
The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer. Some researchers say that declining male fertility rates could be the first sign of extinction.
At the same time, boys are now far more at risk of suffering from ADHD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia.
The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world.
Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles, they are called "hormone mimicking" or "endocrine disrupting" chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development.
Friday, November 14, 2008
New Pyramid Found in Egypt:

4,300-Year-Old Queen's Tomb
Andrew Bossone in Cairo
for National Geographic News
November 11, 2008
A new pyramid has been discovered deep beneath Egyptian sands, archaeologists announced today.
The 4,300-year-old monument is believed to be the tomb of Queen Sesheshet, the mother of Pharaoh Teti, the founder ancient Egypt's 6th dynasty.
Once nearly five stories tall, the pyramid—or at least what remains of it—lay beneath 23 feet (7 meters) of sand.
The discovery is the third known subsidiary, or satellite, pyramid to the tomb of Teti. It's also the second pyramid found this year in Saqqara, an ancient royal burial complex near current-day Cairo.
(See "'Lost' Pyramid Found Buried in Egypt" [June 5, 2008].)
"I always say you never know what the sands of Egypt might hide," said Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA).
"This might be the most complete subsidiary pyramid ever found at Saqqara," added Hawass, who is also a National Geographic Society explorer-in-residence. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News.)
Surprise in the Sand
Archaeologists also found remnants of a white limestone casing for the surviving, 16-foot-tall (5-meter-tall) pyramid base. The angle of the base helped them determine that the pyramid's walls stood at a 51-degree angle.
Based on that angle, the team determined that the pyramid was originally 46 feet (14 meters) tall and about 72 feet (22 meters) square at its base.
The researchers were somewhat surprised to find a pyramid at the Teti site, since they thought the area had been thoroughly searched. Archaeologists had already found subsidiary pyramids for Teti's two principal wives Iput I and Khuit, about a hundred years ago and in 1994, respectively.
Teams have been digging in the area for more than 20 years.
"One hundred years ago they used to take sand and put it in unexcavated areas," Hawass said.
"The archaeologists in the past used this area as a location for the sand. No one could think there is anything here."
Tomb robbers, however, had known the pyramid was there—archaeologists found that a shaft had been created to allow access to Sesheshet's funerary chamber.
Due to those assumed tomb raids, archaeologists don't expect to find Sesheshet's mummy when they reach the burial chamber weeks from now. But they do anticipate finding inscriptions about the queen, whose name, perhaps coincidentally, evokes the goddess of history and writing, Seshat.
Mother Love
Starting from the 4th dynasty (2616 to 2494 B.C.), pharaohs often built pyramids for their wives and mothers.
"Mothers were revered in ancient Egypt," said Salima Ikram, a professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, who was not involved in the discovery.
"Building pyramids for one's mother in her dead state … was fairly emphasized in the whole vision of kingship that the ancient Egyptians had," Ikram said.
"That was something that was instituted during [a pharaoh's] lifetime and was a very public way of expressing his debt to her, his connection to her, and her importance in Egypt politically and as a symbol for kingship."
Sesheshet's son Teti might have been more motivated than the average pharaoh to pay homage to his mother. Sesheshet had come from a powerful family and probably supported his ascendancy to the throne during turmoil at the end of the 5th dynasty.
"She's one of the important ladies at that time," said Hakim Haddad, general director of excavations in Egypt.
"At the end of the 5th dynasty and the beginning of the 6th dynasty, there was a conflict between two branches of the royal families."
The American University's Ikram added, "I assume Teti thought it would be a good plan to make his mother a pyramid."
Regardless of Teti's motivations, SCA director Hawass says the newfound pyramid is special because of its association with a female ruler.
"You can discover a tomb or a statue, but to discover a pyramid it makes you happy. And a pyramid of a queen—queens have magic.
Click here for Video.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Money And The Three Minds

By Samael Aun Weor
From www.gnosticteachings.org
"You came here to listen, and I am here to speak to you. However, it is necessary that between you and me exists a communion of souls; we need to have the intention to investigate in ourselves, to search, to inquire, to know, to listen with the clear objective of attaining orientation in the path of the Inner Self-realization of the Being.
To know how to listen is something very difficult. To know how to speak is much easier. It happens that when one is listening, it is necessary to be open to the new, with an spontaneous mind, with a mind empty of concepts, prejudgments, etc. However, the Ego, the "I," the myself, does not know how to listen, and instead it translates, interprets everything based in its own prejudgments and what it has stored in the Formative Center. What is the Formative Center? The memory. Why is it called Formative Center? Because within it is processed the intellectual formation of concepts. Having understood this, it becomes urgent to learn to listen with a new mind and not repeat what is already stored in the memory.
After this introduction, we are going to agree upon concepts, ideas, etc. First of all, it is indispensable to know if the intellect by itself can lead to the experience of the real. There exist bright intellects, we cannot deny that, but they have never experienced that which is the truth.
Let us think a bit about the Sensual Mind that we utilize daily; I would say that the Sensual Mind elaborates its concepts with the data brought by the five senses, and with these concepts it forms its reasoning. Observing things from this perspective, it is obvious that the Subjective or Sensual Reasoning has as a foundation the external, sensory perceptions, and because its function is based exclusively on the data brought by the five senses, undoubtedly that mind will not have access to what is outside of the vicious circle of the external sensorial perceptions, that is obvious. That mind is unable to know about the real, about the Mysteries of Life and Death, about the Truth, about God, etc. because where could it get that information, if the only source of nourishment it has is the data brought by the senses? Obviously, it can not know what comes from the heights.
In this moment, it comes to my memory something very interesting. In the time of the Egyptian splendor there was a congress in Babylon. People came from Assyria, Egypt, Phoenicia, etc.; it is clear that the theme was interesting: they wanted to know based in mere analytical discussions if the human being does or does not have a soul. Obviously, at that time, the five senses were already degenerated; only in this way we can explain why those people selected that theme as the reason for their congress. In other times, that congress would have been ridiculous. The Lemurians never would have had the idea of celebrating that kind of congress. For the people of the continent Mu, it was enough to get out of their body in order to know if they had or did not have Soul, and this was done very easily, because their physical senses were not so degenerated. So, the idea of a theme like that only could have come from an involutive and degenerated humanity.
It happened that there were many discussions for and against. Finally, a great, wise Assyrian ascended to the tribunal of eloquence (that man had been educated in Egypt, he had entered in the Mysteries) and in a very loud voice he said, "Reasoning cannot know anything about the Truth, about the Real, about the immortal Soul. Reason can be useful to defend a spiritualist or materialist theory; reason could elaborate a spiritualist thesis with a formidable logic, and also can create by opposition a materialist thesis with a similar logic. So, the subjective and sensual reason nourished with the data brought by the five senses can create spiritualists or materialists theses; therefore, reason is not something on which we can rely. There exists a different sense; this is the one of the Instinctive Perception of the Cosmic Truth; is a faculty of the Being. But subjective reasoning cannot truly give us information about the Real; the sensual reasoning cannot know about the Mysteries of Life and Death."
In that way spoke the man, and he explained to the proud, "With your reasoning, you cannot know anything about the Truth, about the Soul or the Spirit; the rational mind cannot know about that."
Well, that man spoke with great eloquence, and afterward he distanced himself from any scholasticism; he preferred to leave the subjective rationalism and to develop in himself the aforementioned faculty that is known under the name of Instinctive Perception of the Cosmic Truths, a faculty that humanity once had, but it became atrophied as the psychological "I," the myself, the oneself, unfolded.
It is said that this great, wise Assyrian, educated in Egypt, detached himself from every school and went to cultivate the land and to trust exclusively in the prodigious faculty of the Being known by the name of Instinctive Perception of the Cosmic Truths.
However, let us go a bit further. There is a mind that differs from the Sensual Mind. I am talking emphatically about the Intermediate Mind; in the Intermediate Mind, we find religious beliefs. Obviously, the data brought by religions have their place in the Intermediate Mind.
Finally, there exists the Inner Mind. The Inner Mind by itself and in itself works exclusively with the data brought by the Superlative Consciousness of the Being; the Inner Mind could never work without the information that is brought by the Inner Consciousness of the Being.
These are the Three Minds.
In the Gospels, the Sensual Mind with its theories and other elements is known as the "leaven of the Sadducees." Jesus the Christ advises us, saying, "Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Sadducees," that is to say, of the materialist and atheist doctrines like the Marxist Dialectic. Doctrines such as that correspond exactly with the "leaven of the Sadducees." However, the Lord of Perfection also advises us about the "leaven of the Pharisees." The leaven of the Pharisees is related with the Intermediate Mind.
Who are the Pharisees? They are those that go to their temples, schools, religions and sects, etc. so everybody can see them. They listen to the Word, but do not perform it in themselves. They are like the man that watches himself in a mirror and then leaves. They just attend to their rituals so everyone can see them, but they never work on themselves, and that is really serious. They are happy with mere beliefs and do not feel interest for the inner transformation, so they lose their time miserably and fail!
Let us get away from the "leaven of the Sadducees and Pharisees," and consider how to open our Inner Mind. How can we open it? By knowing how to think psychologically; in that way is the Inner Mind opened.
The Inner Mind works with the data brought by the Superlative Consciousness of the Being; thanks to this, one experiences the truth of the different phenomena of nature. With the Inner Mind opened, we can speak about the Law of Karma not based on what is said by others, but by our direct experience. With the Inner Mind opened, we are prepared to speak about Reincarnation or about the Law of the Eternal Return of everything or about the Law of Souls' Transmigration, etc., but not based on what we have read or what we have heard from some authors, but in what we have experienced in reality, and directly; that is obvious!
Why has money become so important in our lives? Is it perhaps because we depend exclusively on it for our psychological happiness? All the human beings need bread, protection and shelter, and this is already known. This is so natural and simple for the birds of the sky… Why has it become so important to us and taken on frightful significance?
Money has taken an exaggerated and disproportionate value because we depend psychologically on it for our own wellbeing. Money nourishes our personal vanity, confers social prestige and gives us the means to reach power. Money is being used by the mind with totally different purposes than covering our immediate physical necessities.
Money is being utilized for psychological purposes; that is why money has taken an exaggerated and disproportioned importance.
We need money in order to have bread, protection and shelter; that is obvious. But when money becomes a psychological necessity, when we use it with other purposes, when we depend on it in order to attain fame, prestige, social position, etc, then money assumes in the mind an exaggerated and disproportioned importance, and from this originates the fight and the conflict in order to possess it.
It is logical that we need money in order to satisfy our physical necessities, in order to have bread and shelter, but if we depend exclusively on money for our happiness and personal satisfaction, then we are the most unfortunate beings on the Earth.
When we comprehend profoundly that the only objective of money is to bring us bread, protection and shelter, then we put towards it a spontaneous limitation, and the result is that money does not assume within us the over-exaggerated importance that it has when it becomes a psychological necessity.
We need to comprehend profoundly the true nature of sensation and satisfaction. The mind that wants to comprehend the truth has to be free from those obstacles.
If in truth we want to liberate thought from the obstacles of sensation and satisfaction, we have to start with those sensations that are more familiar, and to establish in them an adequate foundation for comprehension. Sensations have their right place and when we understand them profoundly in all the levels of the mind, they do not have the stupid deformation that have now.
Many people believe that if everything proceeded according to the political party to which they belong and fight for, then we would have a happy world, full of abundance, peace and perfection. That is a false concept, because in reality such happiness cannot exist if we have not individually comprehended the true meaning of things. The human being is too poor internally, and due to this he needs money and material things for his personal satisfaction.
When someone is poor internally, she looks for money and material things in order complete herself and to find satisfaction. For this reason, money and material things have taken a disproportioned value and the human being is ready to steal, exploit and lie at every moment. That is the cause of the fight between the capital and the work, between the boss and laborers, between exploiters and exploited.
All the political changes are useless if we have not comprehended our internal poverty. The political system can change again and again, the social systems can be altered again and again, but if we have not comprehended profoundly the inner nature of our internal poverty, the individual will always create new means and ways to attain personal satisfaction at the expense of others' peace.
The philosopher Immanuel Kant in his books "Critique of Practical Reason" and "Critique of Pure Reason" indicates that there is no doubt that the Subjective and Rational Reason could never acquire something that does not belong to the world of the five senses. The intellect by itself is rational and subjective, and always demands demonstrations when listening about reincarnation or Karma, but the truths that can only be perceived by the Inner Mind cannot be demonstrated to people of the sensual mind. To demand facts in the external and sensorial world about such truths is like demanding that a bacteriologist study microbes with a telescope or demanding that an astronomer study astronomy with a microscope.
They demand. Yes. However, the facts cannot be given to the Subjective Reasoning, because this reasoning does not have any relation with what does not belong to the world of the five senses. Themes like Reincarnation, Karma, life after death, etc., are exclusively for the Inner Mind, never for the Sensual Mind. It is possible to demonstrate to the Inner Mind, but first of all, the candidate has to have opened his Inner Mind, otherwise how could we demonstrate anything to that person? Impossible, is it not?
We need money in order to cover our immediate physical necessities, but unfortunately the necessity is transformed into greed. The psychological "I," perceiving its own emptiness and misery, gives to money and material things an exaggerated and absurd value that is different than the value they really have.
The "I" wants to become externally rich because internally it is poor and miserable.
The "I" wants to dazzle the others with material things and money.
In this moment, our relationship with money is based on greed.
We always justify our greed with necessity.
Greed is the secret cause of hatred and the world's brutalities, and many times the aforementioned assumes the form of legal actions.
Greed is the cause of war and the miseries of the world.
If we want to finish with the greed of the world, we have to comprehend profoundly that the world is within ourselves. We are the world, and the greed of other people is within us. In reality, everyone lives within our own Consciousness. The greed of the world is within the individual, and only by eradicating the greed that we carry within is it possible to end the greed of the world. Only by understanding the complex process of greed in all the levels of the mind, we will be able to experience the great Reality.
Now, after having seen this clearly, it is convenient to go deeper in the topic of the faculties.
The intellect by itself is one of the crudest faculties in the levels of the Being. If we want to do everything with our intellect, we will never capture the cosmic truths. Undoubtedly, beyond the intellect there exists another faculty of cognition, and I am pointing emphatically at the Imagination. This faculty has been greatly underrated, and some even call it "the crazy of the house." This is an unjust title, because if this faculty did not exist, the tape recorder, the car, the train, etc., would not exist either. The wise man that wants to create an invention first has to imagine it and then project that image onto paper; the architect that wants to build a house has to imagine it first and later project it into a plan. Therefore, the imagination is what allows the creation of an invention; it is not something despicable.
Are there two kinds of imagination? We cannot deny that. We could call the first one "Mechanical Imagination," and this kind of imagination is fantasy itself, which is formed by the scraps of the memory and it is even prejudicial. However, in truth there exists another type of imagination: it is the Intentional Imagination, that is to say, Conscious Imagination.
Nature itself possesses imagination, and that is obvious. If there were no imagination, all the creatures of nature would be blind. However, because this powerful faculty exists, then perception exists, and the image is formed in the Perceptive Center of the Being or Center for the Perception of the Sensations. The creative imagination of nature has originated the many existing forms.
In the time of the Hyperboreans and Lemurians, the intellect was not used, but rather the imagination; at that time, the human being was innocent, and the marvelous spectacle of the cosmos was reflected within his imagination as in a crystalline lake. That was another kind of humanity. Today, it is painful to see that people have even lost their imagination; that is to say, this faculty has degenerated frightfully.
It is possible to develop the imagination, and this can take us far beyond the Sensual Mind. This can lead us to Psychological Thought. Only Psychological Thought can open the doors of the Inner Mind. If one develops the imagination, one can learn to think psychologically.
Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition are the three mandatory paths of Initiation, but if we remain bottled up within the sensory functions of the intellect, it is impossible to ascend the staircase of the Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition. I do not want to say that the intellect is useless; I am far from that affirmation. What I am doing is clarifying concepts.
Every faculty within its orbit is useful; a planet within its orbit is useful, but out of its orbit, it is useless and catastrophic. The same happens with the faculties of the human being, they have their orbit.
It is absurd to take Sensual Reasoning out of its orbit, because then one falls into materialistic skepticism. Why are many students of pseudo-esotericism and pseudo-occultism always fighting against doubts? Why are so many students going from school to school and finally reaching the old age without having attained anything?
Through experience I have observed that those who remain bottled up in the intellect fail. Those that want to verify the truth with the intellect fail, because they make the same mistake as wanting to study astronomy with a microscope or wanting to study bacteriology with a telescope.
If we want each faculty to be in its orbit, it is obvious that we have to reject the doctrines that are called the "leaven of the Sadducees and Pharisees," and to learn to think psychologically; however, this is not be possible if we remain bottled up in the intellect.
So, it is worthwhile to start ascending on the marvelous stairway of the Imagination, and then ascend to the second step, Inspiration, and finally we will reach Intuition.
We need money, that is true, but it is necessary to profoundly understand the correct relationship with it. Neither the ascetic nor the stingy have comprehended the proper relationship with money. Neither by renouncing nor coveting money can we reach a just relation with it. We need comprehension in order to intelligently realize what our material needs are, without depending disproportionately on money.
When we correctly understand how to relate to money, then we remove from ourselves the pain that the so-called generosity produces, and the frightful suffering that competition generates.
We have to learn to differentiate between immediate physical necessities and psychological dependence. Psychological dependence generates exploitation and slavery.
It is urgent understand the inner nature of the “myself” if in truth we want to become spiritually rich. He that is spiritually rich is unable to exploit others, is unable to lie. He that is spiritually rich is free from the obstacles relating to sensations and personal satisfaction. He that is spiritually rich has found happiness.
The Consciousness knows directly the reality of each natural phenomenon, and through the Inner Mind can manifest it. This means that only by opening the Inner Mind is authentic faith born in the human being. Observing this aspect from another angle, we will say that materialistic skepticism is the peculiar characteristic of ignorance. There is no doubt that the illustrious ignorant ones are skeptics, one hundred percent.
Unfortunately, there exists the tendency to confuse belief with faith. Even if it seems to be paradoxical, we will emphasize the following, "He that has true faith does not need to believe." Authentic faith is living wisdom, exact cognition, direct experience.
For many centuries, faith has been confused with belief, and now it takes a lot of work to help people comprehend that faith is true wisdom and never vain beliefs.
Inverencial peace!
Samael Aun Weor"
Well, equanimity has returned. Sorry for such a blah post last time but the pressure of the election, the world wars and my own pendulum of excitement and morbidity were just bubbling up a bit.
Recently, a true sense of gratitude and appreciation have swept over me. Will try to keep the tone of the next few posts relevant to that.
Brightest blessings!
Recently, a true sense of gratitude and appreciation have swept over me. Will try to keep the tone of the next few posts relevant to that.
Brightest blessings!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Heavy Mind: MTV Marshal Law commercial
It is with a heavy heart I grow more and more concerned for the state of humanity. Things are progressing at such an alarming rate in the international markets and with things like this airing on MTV, it certainly gives one pause to reflect on the trying times ahead. Sorry, I don't have anything uplifting or inspiring to report as of late. Maintaining equanimity in these trying times is becoming more elusive for me. I pray you are all building community and spending time enjoying some silence and peace, things are bubbling up into quite the circus.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Entropy: One quarter of mammals face extinction

One quarter of mammals face extinction
5:00 AM, October 6, 2008
Barcelona, Spain -- At least one quarter of the world's mammals in the wild are threatened with extinction, according to a international survey released today that blames the loss of wildlife habitat, hunting and poaching for steep declines.
The survey, assembled over five years by 1,700 researchers in 130 countries, is the most comprehensive study ever done to assess the status and future of mammals on every continent and in every ocean.
The Baiji, also known as the Chinese River dolphin, is one of the latest mammals believed to have joined the growing list of species that have gone extinct. Others are not far behind, such as the Vaquita, a small porpoise that lives in the northern part of the Gulf of California, as well as various monkeys and other primates in Africa.
The upshot:
The future looks grim for a surprisingly large number of the world's mammals. An international group of 1,700 scientists and other experts in 130 countries have determined that one out of four land mammals and one in three marine mammals faces a threat of extinction due to hunting, habitat loss, entanglement in fishing gear.
The bleak assessment did not fully factor in impacts from with global warming, that threatens to change food and habitat for many animals.
The findings, which were five years in the making, were released today at the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, a meeting of 8,000 scientists, conservationists and officials from governmental environmental ministries.
The fate of the world's mammals may be worse than even the global numbers suggest, said Jan Schipper of Conservation International who was the lead author in the paper. The problem is what he called a surprising lack of information about 836 mammals in the global analysis.
"If you don't know where they are or how many there are, then it's hard to determine if they have viable populations or threatened with extinction," Schipper said. The mammal paper is part of the broader "Red List" of threatened species assembled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Given this uncertainly, as much as 36% of land mammals 61% of whales, seals and other marine mammals could face extinction, according to the results to be published later this week in the journal Science.
First global assessment in a dozen years...
(From the LA Times.)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Get a Nada Chair!

So... normally I would not recommend some little doo dad to help you sit/ meditate more effectively but this deserves some serious consideration my friends.
I was at a local organic baby festival and they had a demo booth for these amazing lower lumbar support devices/ chairs. I had a noticeable difference in overall well being after just a couple of minutes using one. It supports your hips and back in a way that is ergo dynamic and for those of us who sit frequently, we know how our bodies can disagree and distract us. I purchased the "Back Up" but all of the products do the same thing. On the package it says "Designed by meditators for life"... I believe em.
Here is what the site has to say:
Benefits of Use
Watch the animations on the left to better understand how Nada-Chair products will benefit you. The first shows your spine as a naturally curving, flexible stack of bones called vertebrae. Separating the vertebrae are soft-core, donut-shaped discs. When you sit for a time, muscles slack, causing you to slouch. Slouching unevenly compresses the lumbar discs as shown in the second animation. The vertebrae bite one side of the lumbar disc causing the soft core to bulge against the back wall. This causes back pain and over time, leads to herniation, ruptures or other disc malformations. Slouching is a serious back problem that spirals you into further back pain cycles. (Click here for a more comprehensive medical description of how Nada-Chair breaks the back pain cycle.)
The Nada-Chair promotes good posture which, in turn, reverses the back pain cycle. It comfortably cradles the low back and follows the body with every movement, making it is impossible to slouch. Since you can't slouch, your discs are protected. Users report instant relief of low back, neck and shoulder pain associated with slouching. Good posture naturally allows deeper breathing so you feel refreshed with a greater sense of well-being. Better health, in turn, means fewer doctor visits. You save time and money (not least on prescription pain-killers). People admire good posture. (When did you last stop to admire a slouch?) Originally designed by meditators who found they can often sit longer more comfortably, those at computers also find they focus better when attention isn't sucked to nagging back pain. In short, Nada-Chair back slings are designed to let you sit comfortably for hours with effortless good posture.
PROBLEM - Chairs Don't Work
"All my life my legs have been banged up
by chairs that I've designed"
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Slouching is a universal back problem that can lead to permanent and painful deformations of the spine. Not only do chairs NOT solve this problem, most often they make it worse! Why? Chairs are passive mechanisms that cannot provide adequate support at the low back where it is essential for healthy, comfortable and upright posture. So-called "ergonomic" chairs promise lumbar support, but they can't deliver. Serving only as props for slouched spines, these chairs make back problems worse. Why else do so many complain of low back pain and associated neck and shoulder stress caused by slouching? Bottomline: chairs don't work.
SOLUTION - Wear Your Chair
The ideal chair that moves with the body "just as a glove moves with the hand that wears it."
- Emilio Ambasz
The Nada-Chair is the chair that you wear. This slouch-busting sling lets you sit comfortably for hours with effortless good posture. When you sit forward, the back support follows. Since the Nada-Chair follows your body with every move, you constantly enjoy firm, adjustable and dynamic support hugging your low back. "The Nada-Chair acts like an extra muscle that never tires," explains Arthur White, MD. By using the knees to stabilize the pelvis, muscles are relieved of their isometric tasks. The pelvis becomes a stable pedestal on which the spine can effortlessly rest with natural curves restored.
Be well!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Balthasar Gracian
To my great delight someone sent me a passage to ponder this morning from Balthasar Gracian. These passages reflect on things that have been significant in my work and deserve great reflection. May you all be happy, healthy and prosperous.

"Gracian was a 17th century (1601-1658) Jesuit monk, and sometimes you can see religion reflected in his writings. Gracian wrote Oraculo manual y arte de prudencia (this book) in 1637, and it soon became popular throughout Europe. The entire book is a collection of 300 paragraphs on various topics. This work gives advice and guidance on how to live more fully, advance socially, and be a better person. Some of the material here may seem disagreeable. We advise that Gracian's writings be taken with lots of contemplation, it might help to absorb the material slowly and then explore it further."
41. Never exaggerate. It is an important object of attention not to talk in
superlatives, so as neither to offend truth nor cast doubt on your
understanding. Exaggeration wastes distinctions and shows the narrowness of
one's knowledge or taste. Praise arises lively curiosity, begets desire and if
afterwards the value does not correspond to the price - as generally happens -
expectation revolts against the deception and revenges itself by cheapening both
the thing praised and the praiser. A prudent person goes more cautiously to
works and prefers to err by understatement than by overstatement. Extraordinary
things are rare, therefore temper your evaluation. Exaggeration is akin to
lying, and you jeopardize your reputation for good taste and - much worse - good
52. Never be upset. It is a great aim of prudence never to be embarrassed.
This is the sign of a real person, of a noble heart, for magnanimity is not
easily put off balance. The passions are the humors of the soul, and every
excess in them weakens prudence. If they overflow through the mouth, the
reputation will be in danger. Let us therefore be so great a master over
ourselves that neither in the most fortunate nor in the most adverse
circumstances can anything cause our reputation injury by disturbing our self-
possession but rather enhance it by showing superiority.
129. Never complain. To complain always brings discredit. Better to be a model
of self-reliance opposed to the passion of others than an object of their
compassion. For complaining opens the way for the hearer to act like those we
are complaining of, and to disclose one insult forms an excuse for another. By
complaining of past offenses we give occasion for future ones, and in seeking
aid or counsel we only obtain indifference or contempt. It is much more politic
to praise a person's favors, so that others may feel obliged to follow suit. To
recount the favors we owe the absent is to demand similar ones from those
present, and thus we sell our credit with the ones to the other. The shrewd
will therefore never publish to the world his failures or his defects, but only
those marks of consideration that serve to keep friendship alive and enmity
125. Do not be a blacklister of other people's faults. It is a sign of having a
tarnished name to concern oneself with the ill fame of others. Some wish to
hide their own stains with those of others, or at least wash them away; or they
seek consolation therein - it is the consolation of fools. Their breath must
stink who form the sewers of scandal for the whole town. The more one grubs
about in such matters the more one befouls oneself. There are few without stain
somewhere or other. It is only of little known people that the failings are
little known. Be careful then to avoid being a registrar of faults. That is to
be an abominable thing, a man that lives without a heart.
138. The art of letting things alone. The more so the wilder the waves of
public or of private life. There are hurricanes in human affairs, tempests of
passion, when it is wise to retire to a harbor and ride it out at anchor.
Remedies often make diseases worse; in such cases one has to leave them to their
natural course and the moral influence of time. It takes a wise doctor to know
when not to prescribe, and at times the greater skill consists in not applying
remedies. The proper way to still the storms of the vulgar is to hold yourself
back and let them calm down by themselves. To give way now is to conquer by and
by. A fountain gets muddy with but little stirring up, and does not get clear
by our meddling with it but by our leaving it alone. The best remedy for
disturbances is to let them run their course, for so they quiet down.
From "The Art of Worldly Wisdom"

"Gracian was a 17th century (1601-1658) Jesuit monk, and sometimes you can see religion reflected in his writings. Gracian wrote Oraculo manual y arte de prudencia (this book) in 1637, and it soon became popular throughout Europe. The entire book is a collection of 300 paragraphs on various topics. This work gives advice and guidance on how to live more fully, advance socially, and be a better person. Some of the material here may seem disagreeable. We advise that Gracian's writings be taken with lots of contemplation, it might help to absorb the material slowly and then explore it further."
41. Never exaggerate. It is an important object of attention not to talk in
superlatives, so as neither to offend truth nor cast doubt on your
understanding. Exaggeration wastes distinctions and shows the narrowness of
one's knowledge or taste. Praise arises lively curiosity, begets desire and if
afterwards the value does not correspond to the price - as generally happens -
expectation revolts against the deception and revenges itself by cheapening both
the thing praised and the praiser. A prudent person goes more cautiously to
works and prefers to err by understatement than by overstatement. Extraordinary
things are rare, therefore temper your evaluation. Exaggeration is akin to
lying, and you jeopardize your reputation for good taste and - much worse - good
52. Never be upset. It is a great aim of prudence never to be embarrassed.
This is the sign of a real person, of a noble heart, for magnanimity is not
easily put off balance. The passions are the humors of the soul, and every
excess in them weakens prudence. If they overflow through the mouth, the
reputation will be in danger. Let us therefore be so great a master over
ourselves that neither in the most fortunate nor in the most adverse
circumstances can anything cause our reputation injury by disturbing our self-
possession but rather enhance it by showing superiority.
129. Never complain. To complain always brings discredit. Better to be a model
of self-reliance opposed to the passion of others than an object of their
compassion. For complaining opens the way for the hearer to act like those we
are complaining of, and to disclose one insult forms an excuse for another. By
complaining of past offenses we give occasion for future ones, and in seeking
aid or counsel we only obtain indifference or contempt. It is much more politic
to praise a person's favors, so that others may feel obliged to follow suit. To
recount the favors we owe the absent is to demand similar ones from those
present, and thus we sell our credit with the ones to the other. The shrewd
will therefore never publish to the world his failures or his defects, but only
those marks of consideration that serve to keep friendship alive and enmity
125. Do not be a blacklister of other people's faults. It is a sign of having a
tarnished name to concern oneself with the ill fame of others. Some wish to
hide their own stains with those of others, or at least wash them away; or they
seek consolation therein - it is the consolation of fools. Their breath must
stink who form the sewers of scandal for the whole town. The more one grubs
about in such matters the more one befouls oneself. There are few without stain
somewhere or other. It is only of little known people that the failings are
little known. Be careful then to avoid being a registrar of faults. That is to
be an abominable thing, a man that lives without a heart.
138. The art of letting things alone. The more so the wilder the waves of
public or of private life. There are hurricanes in human affairs, tempests of
passion, when it is wise to retire to a harbor and ride it out at anchor.
Remedies often make diseases worse; in such cases one has to leave them to their
natural course and the moral influence of time. It takes a wise doctor to know
when not to prescribe, and at times the greater skill consists in not applying
remedies. The proper way to still the storms of the vulgar is to hold yourself
back and let them calm down by themselves. To give way now is to conquer by and
by. A fountain gets muddy with but little stirring up, and does not get clear
by our meddling with it but by our leaving it alone. The best remedy for
disturbances is to let them run their course, for so they quiet down.
From "The Art of Worldly Wisdom"
Understanding Emotions in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Learn how emotions are related to body systems and symptoms
From Cathy Wong, for About.com
In traditional Chinese medicine, emotions and physical health are intimately connected. Sadness, nervous tension and anger, worry, fear, and overwork are each associated with a particular organ in the body. For example, irritability and inappropriate anger can affect the liver and result in menstrual pain, headache, redness of the face and eyes, dizziness and dry mouth.
A diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine is highly individualized. Once an organ system is identified, the unique symptoms of the patient determine the practitioner's treatment approach.
Using the liver again as an example, breast distension, menstrual pain, and irritability during menses are treated with certain herbs and acupuncture points, and migraines headaches, dizziness, and inappropriate anger with redness of the face point to a different type of liver pattern and is treated in a different way.
What does the liver have to do with migraines? Organ systems in the traditional Asian sense may include the Western medical-physiological function, but are also part of a holistic body system. The liver, for example, ensures that energy and blood flow smoothly throughout the body. It also regulates bile secretion, stores blood, and is connected with the tendons, nails, and eyes.
By understanding these connections, we can see how an eye disorder such as conjunctivitis might be due to an imbalance in the liver, or excess menstrual flow may be due to dysfunction in the liver's blood-storing ability. Besides emotions, other factors such as dietary, environmental, lifestyle, and hereditary factors also contribute to the development of imbalances.
* Emotions - worry, dwelling or focusing too much on a particular topic, excessive mental work
* Spleen Function - Food digestion and nutrient absorption. Helps in the formation of blood and energy. Keeps blood in the blood vessels. Connected with muscles, mouth, and lips. Involved in thinking, studying, and memory.
* Symptoms of Spleen Imbalance - Tired, loss of appetite, mucus discharge, poor digestion, abdominal distension, loose stools or diarrhea. Weak muscles, pale lips. Bruising, excess menstrual blood flow, and other bleeding disorders.
* Emotions - grief, sadness, detached.
* Lung Function - Respiration. Forms energy from air, and helps to distribute it throughout the body. Works with the kidney to regulate water metabolism. Important in the immune system and resistance to viruses and bacteria. Regulates sweat glands and body hair, and provides moisture to the skin.
* Symptoms of Lung Imbalance - Shortness of breath and shallow breathing, sweating, fatigue, cough, frequent cold and flu, allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions. Dry skin. Depression and crying.
* Emotions - anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, "flying off the handle".
* Liver Function - Involved in the smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body. Regulates bile secretion, stores blood, and is connected with the tendons, nails, and eyes.
* Symptoms of Liver Imbalance - breast distension, menstrual pain, headache, irritability, inappropriate anger, dizziness, dry, red eyes and other eye conditions, tendonitis.
* Emotions - lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, despair.
* Heart Function - Regulates the heart and blood vessels. Responsible for even and regular pulse. Influences vitality and spirit. Connected with the tongue, complexion, and arteries.
* Symptoms of Heart Imbalance - Insomnia, heart palpitations and irregular heart beat, excessive dreaming, poor long-term memory, psychological disorders.
* Emotions - fearful, weak willpower, insecure, aloof, isolated.
* Kidney Function - Key organ for sustaining life. Responsible for reproduction, growth and development, and maturation. Involved with lungs in water metabolism and respiration. Connected with bones, teeth, ears, and head hair.
* Symptoms of Kidney Imbalance - Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, night sweats, dry mouth, poor short-term memory, low back pain, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, and other ear conditions. Premature grey hair, hair loss, and osteoporosis.

Kaptchuk TJ. The Web That Has No Weaver. Chicago: Congdon and Weed, Inc., 1983.
Tierra M, Tierra L. Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine Volume 1: Diagnosis and Treatment. Twin Lakes: Lotus Press, 1998.
Astronomy photo of the day
This is a great program that sends you a new astronomy photo each day. Just set it to come up with your home page for a beautiful gander at the cosmos.

Planets over Perth
Credit & Copyright: John Goldsmith, Celestial Visions exhibition, TWAN
Explanation: A bright trio of terrestrial planets was joined by a young Moon on September 1st, in planet Earth's early evening skies. In this view of the celestial gathering from Perth, Western Australia, the Moon's sunlit crescent is nearly horizontal at Perth's southern latitude of about 32 degrees. Venus, then Mercury, and finally Mars shine above colorful city lights on the far shore of the Swan River. The six unlit towers on the left surround a large cricket stadium. For now, the planetary trio still lingers low in the west just after sunset. But in the coming days Venus will move farther from the Sun, climbing higher after sunset, while Mercury and Mars will steadily sink into the glare along the western horizon.

M110: Satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Credit & Copyright: Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT) & Giovanni Anselmi (Coelum Astronomia), Hawaiian Starlight
Explanation: Our Milky Way Galaxy is not alone. It is part of a gathering of about 25 galaxies known as the Local Group. Members include the Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31), M32, M33, the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud, Dwingeloo 1, several small irregular galaxies, and many dwarf elliptical and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Pictured on the lower right is one of the dwarf ellipticals: NGC 205. Like M32, NGC 205 is a companion to the large M31, and can sometimes be seen to the south of M31's center in photographs. The image shows NGC 205 to be unusual for an elliptical galaxy in that it contains at least two dust clouds (at 9 and 2 o'clock - they are visible but hard to spot) and signs of recent star formation. This galaxy is sometimes known as M110, although it was actually not part of Messier's original catalog.

Grand Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232
Credit: FORS1, 8.2-meter VLT Antu, ESO
Explanation: Galaxies are fascinating not only for what is visible, but for what is invisible. Grand spiral galaxy NGC 1232, captured in detail by one of the new Very Large Telescopes, is a good example. The visible is dominated by millions of bright stars and dark dust, caught up in a gravitational swirl of spiral arms revolving about the center. Open clusters containing bright blue stars can be seen sprinkled along these spiral arms, while dark lanes of dense interstellar dust can be seen sprinkled between them. Less visible, but detectable, are billions of dim normal stars and vast tracts of interstellar gas, together wielding such high mass that they dominate the dynamics of the inner galaxy. Invisible are even greater amounts of matter in a form we don't yet know - pervasive dark matter needed to explain the motions of the visible in the outer galaxy. What's out there?

The Crown of the Sun
Credit & Copyright: Hartwig Luethen
Explanation: During a total solar eclipse, the Sun's extensive outer atmosphere, or corona, is an inspirational sight. The subtle shades and shimmering features of the corona that engage the eye span a brightness range of over 10,000 to 1, making them notoriously difficult to capture in a single picture. But this composite of 28 digital images ranging in exposure time from 1/1000 to 2 seconds comes close to revealing the crown of the Sun in all its glory. The telescopic views were recorded near Kochenevo, Russia during the August 1 total solar eclipse and also show solar prominences extending just beyond the edge of the eclipsed sun. Remarkably, features on the dark near side of the New Moon can also be made out, illuminated by sunlight reflected from a Full Earth.

Planets over Perth
Credit & Copyright: John Goldsmith, Celestial Visions exhibition, TWAN
Explanation: A bright trio of terrestrial planets was joined by a young Moon on September 1st, in planet Earth's early evening skies. In this view of the celestial gathering from Perth, Western Australia, the Moon's sunlit crescent is nearly horizontal at Perth's southern latitude of about 32 degrees. Venus, then Mercury, and finally Mars shine above colorful city lights on the far shore of the Swan River. The six unlit towers on the left surround a large cricket stadium. For now, the planetary trio still lingers low in the west just after sunset. But in the coming days Venus will move farther from the Sun, climbing higher after sunset, while Mercury and Mars will steadily sink into the glare along the western horizon.

M110: Satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy
Credit & Copyright: Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT) & Giovanni Anselmi (Coelum Astronomia), Hawaiian Starlight
Explanation: Our Milky Way Galaxy is not alone. It is part of a gathering of about 25 galaxies known as the Local Group. Members include the Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31), M32, M33, the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud, Dwingeloo 1, several small irregular galaxies, and many dwarf elliptical and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Pictured on the lower right is one of the dwarf ellipticals: NGC 205. Like M32, NGC 205 is a companion to the large M31, and can sometimes be seen to the south of M31's center in photographs. The image shows NGC 205 to be unusual for an elliptical galaxy in that it contains at least two dust clouds (at 9 and 2 o'clock - they are visible but hard to spot) and signs of recent star formation. This galaxy is sometimes known as M110, although it was actually not part of Messier's original catalog.

Grand Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232
Credit: FORS1, 8.2-meter VLT Antu, ESO
Explanation: Galaxies are fascinating not only for what is visible, but for what is invisible. Grand spiral galaxy NGC 1232, captured in detail by one of the new Very Large Telescopes, is a good example. The visible is dominated by millions of bright stars and dark dust, caught up in a gravitational swirl of spiral arms revolving about the center. Open clusters containing bright blue stars can be seen sprinkled along these spiral arms, while dark lanes of dense interstellar dust can be seen sprinkled between them. Less visible, but detectable, are billions of dim normal stars and vast tracts of interstellar gas, together wielding such high mass that they dominate the dynamics of the inner galaxy. Invisible are even greater amounts of matter in a form we don't yet know - pervasive dark matter needed to explain the motions of the visible in the outer galaxy. What's out there?

The Crown of the Sun
Credit & Copyright: Hartwig Luethen
Explanation: During a total solar eclipse, the Sun's extensive outer atmosphere, or corona, is an inspirational sight. The subtle shades and shimmering features of the corona that engage the eye span a brightness range of over 10,000 to 1, making them notoriously difficult to capture in a single picture. But this composite of 28 digital images ranging in exposure time from 1/1000 to 2 seconds comes close to revealing the crown of the Sun in all its glory. The telescopic views were recorded near Kochenevo, Russia during the August 1 total solar eclipse and also show solar prominences extending just beyond the edge of the eclipsed sun. Remarkably, features on the dark near side of the New Moon can also be made out, illuminated by sunlight reflected from a Full Earth.
Book: The Wisdom of Forgiveness

by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Victor Chan
The most intimate conversation yet with the world's most famous holy man
In a world where peace is elusive and empathy is in short supply, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is an oasis in the desert. For decades he has been the spiritual and temporal leader of the exiled Tibetan people, as well as the most recognizable symbol of Buddhism in the world. An enigmatic figure, he is a Nobel Peace Laureate with a playful streak and an irresistible laugh. But that's not why he has gained superstar status in the West, or why his public appearances around the globe sell out in minutes.
Why is he so revered? Because people are thirsty for his message of compassion and non-violence, a powerful message that crosses barriers of race, religion, and creed. In today's post 9/11 insecurity, people embrace the Dalai Lama's universal, secular values—qualities like forgiveness and acceptance, or what he calls "the warm heart." As his longtime friend, Victor Chan, describes it: "He and his countrymen practice a very simple religion—they practice being kind to each other."
Chan met the Dalai Lama more than 30 years ago on a serendipitous trip to India, where the holy man was in exile. Over the next three decades Chan became a frequent visitor and confidante, the first person from China to enter Dalai Lama's inner circle since the Chinese government seized Tibet in 1959. Now, Chan recounts their long and evolving friendship in THE WISDOM OF FORGIVENESS: Intimate Conversations and Journeys (Riverhead Books; Publication Date: August 12, 2004; $24.95), a remarkable look into the life and mind of the Dalai Lama.
THE WISDOM OF FORGIVENESS invites readers to come along on the trip of a lifetime, as Chan chronicles nearly three decades traveling the world with the Dalai Lama. From war-torn Ireland to Eastern Europe, through India's holy sites and the Dalai Lama's grave illness, Chan had unprecedented access to the holy man's daily routine and private quarters, as well as his visits with bombing victims and dignitaries like Czech president Vaclav Havel and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Chan documents the entire amazing journey and the ongoing intimate conversation that forged their friendship.
Chan says that initially theirs was an unlikely bond. Chan is, after all, a member of the race that destroyed Tibet, the Dalai Lama's homeland. In fact, the first question he asked the holy man was, "Do you hate the Chinese?" The Dalai Lama answered swiftly and easily in English: "No." In his native language he added that his quarrel was with the Chinese Communist Party, not with the Chinese people. He still considered the Chinese his brothers and sisters, and he forgave them without reservation. It was an answer that made an indelible impression on a young Chinese man and sparked a lifelong admiration for the holy man and his mission.
Over the years Chan has witnessed the amazing effect that the Dalai Lama has on others as well as his amazing capacity for compassion. But he has also seen him in more intimate moments: pre-dawn moments of meditation and in the grip of pain. In THE WISDOM OF FORGIVENESS: Intimate Conversations and Journeys, he shares the private side of this extraordinary man, where readers discover...
* What the experience of profound meditative insight really feels like.
* How the Dalai Lama has learned to love his enemies.
* Under what circumstances he could ever commit an act of violence.
* What this holy man does daily to develop spiritually.
* That doctors report that the Dalai Lama's near-seventy-year-old heart looks like the heart of a twenty-year-old.
* How a highly developed spiritual person experiences pain.
The Dalai Lama is an international icon for peace, an inspiration to millions around the world. In THE WISDOM OF FORGIVENESS: Intimate Conversations and Journeys, Victor Chan brings that icon to life, supplying a vivid portrait of the man whose global vision could just save the world.
Read the introduction here.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Lunacy: World's Biggest Atom Smasher to Start-up
As if some atom smasher can explain creation... We are living in a very strange time my friends.

World's Biggest Atom Smasher to Start-up
By Lisa Schlein
07 September 2008
After more than 30 years of planning, 14 years of building and $10 billion later, the Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest atom smasher, is due to start up on September 10. Scientists predict collisions of sub-atomic particles produced by the LHC will allow them to get closer than ever before to answering questions about the origins of the universe. Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva.
Project leader for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Lyn Evans, left, speaks with Carlos Fernandez Robles, right, engineer, at the European Particle Physics laboratory in Prevessin, France, 02 Sep 2008
Project leader for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Lyn Evans, left, speaks with Carlos Fernandez Robles, right, engineer, at the European Particle Physics laboratory in Prevessin, France, 02 Sep 2008
LHC Project Leader, Lyn Evans, has been coddling this colossal machine from the start.
"It has been 14 years. I think this is really a very long time for any scientific project and, quite frankly, I'm glad to see the end," said Evans.
The end is actually the beginning. But, as Evans explains, the start of this grand voyage into the unknown will not begin by pulling a switch to get the machine working for the first time.
"There is not a big red button as many people think, that the thing switches on and results come spewing out," added Evans. "It is a complex operation and we start by trying to get a beam just to go around the ring once. And, if we can achieve that on the first day, I will be extremely happy."
The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, is the world's most powerful particle accelerator. The giant machine could revolutionize our understanding of the universe by recreating the conditions which were present less than a billionth of a second after the Big Bang.
The gigantic ring-shaped device is housed in a 27-kilometer tunnel, which straddles the Swiss-French border near Geneva.
The collider has massive detectors that fill cathedral-sized rooms at intervals along the ring. Some 6,000 super-conducting magnets guide the beams. Evans says 50,000 tons of equipment will have to be cooled down to temperatures that are colder than that of outer space.
He says protons are fed directly into the LHC ring via two injection lines, one for each beam. He says the first attempt to circulate two proton beams all the way around the ring will occur on September 10.
"When these beams collide, then, of course when two particles collide, then they produce energy, which can convert itself into mass and if you got high energy than you can produce heavy objects," said Evans.
It will take a couple of months to bring collisions up to the desired energy. When the LHC gets up to speed, the accelerated protons will travel with nearly the speed of light. The machine will produce about 800 million proton-proton collisions every second.
CERN theoretical physicist, John Ellis tells VOA people should think of the LHC as the world's most fantastic microscope. He says the LHC will be able to look ten times deeper inside the structure of matter than any accelerator or microscope that has been built before.
"And, you should also think of it as being the world's most fantastic telescope because it recreates in some sense the conditions that occurred very early in the history of the Big Bang," said Ellis. "Not right back at the beginning, but a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. So, in addition to addressing really fundamental questions about the structure of matter, what it is made of, what holds it together, it is also going, I think give us insights into how the universe came to be the way that it is today."
Emeritus professor at the University of Edinburgh, British Peter Higgs (File)
Emeritus professor at the University of Edinburgh, British Peter Higgs (File)
Physicists believe the LHC will lead to the discovery of a new particle called the Higgs Boson, named after the British physicist Peter Higgs. The Higgs is often referred to as the missing link in the history of particle physics. It is thought to hold the answer to why sub-atomic particles have weight or mass.
Ellis says the LHC is capable of unlocking other issues of equal or greater scientific interest. He says his particular passion is to probe Dark Matter.
"Astronomers and cosmologists tell us that something like 80 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible, the so-called Dark Matter that nobody has ever seen. We know it is there because it exerts gravitational forces, but it does not shine, so presumably it is not made of the same stuff as regular matter," added Ellis. "To my mind it is amazing that here we are in the 21st century and we still do not know what most of the stuff in the universe is made of."
As CERN celebrates its achievement, some people are predicting the LHC will create a mammoth black hole that will swallow up the earth. Several lawsuits have been filed to stop the LHC from starting up.
Physicists call these doomsday scenarios ridiculous. They say cosmic rays have been bombarding the earth and triggering collisions similar to those planned for the collider, since the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago.
And, Physicists John Ellis and Lyn Evans note, so far, the earth has survived.
"There is absolutely no evidence that black holes are eating up planets thanks to these cosmic ray collisions. No black hole will swallow up the earth," continued Ellis.
"I do not expect to be swallowed up by," said Evans. "I think nobody in their right mind expects to be swallowed up by hypothetical black holes which are created in the LHC."

World's Biggest Atom Smasher to Start-up
By Lisa Schlein
07 September 2008
After more than 30 years of planning, 14 years of building and $10 billion later, the Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest atom smasher, is due to start up on September 10. Scientists predict collisions of sub-atomic particles produced by the LHC will allow them to get closer than ever before to answering questions about the origins of the universe. Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva.
Project leader for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Lyn Evans, left, speaks with Carlos Fernandez Robles, right, engineer, at the European Particle Physics laboratory in Prevessin, France, 02 Sep 2008
Project leader for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Lyn Evans, left, speaks with Carlos Fernandez Robles, right, engineer, at the European Particle Physics laboratory in Prevessin, France, 02 Sep 2008
LHC Project Leader, Lyn Evans, has been coddling this colossal machine from the start.
"It has been 14 years. I think this is really a very long time for any scientific project and, quite frankly, I'm glad to see the end," said Evans.
The end is actually the beginning. But, as Evans explains, the start of this grand voyage into the unknown will not begin by pulling a switch to get the machine working for the first time.
"There is not a big red button as many people think, that the thing switches on and results come spewing out," added Evans. "It is a complex operation and we start by trying to get a beam just to go around the ring once. And, if we can achieve that on the first day, I will be extremely happy."
The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, is the world's most powerful particle accelerator. The giant machine could revolutionize our understanding of the universe by recreating the conditions which were present less than a billionth of a second after the Big Bang.
The gigantic ring-shaped device is housed in a 27-kilometer tunnel, which straddles the Swiss-French border near Geneva.
The collider has massive detectors that fill cathedral-sized rooms at intervals along the ring. Some 6,000 super-conducting magnets guide the beams. Evans says 50,000 tons of equipment will have to be cooled down to temperatures that are colder than that of outer space.
He says protons are fed directly into the LHC ring via two injection lines, one for each beam. He says the first attempt to circulate two proton beams all the way around the ring will occur on September 10.
"When these beams collide, then, of course when two particles collide, then they produce energy, which can convert itself into mass and if you got high energy than you can produce heavy objects," said Evans.
It will take a couple of months to bring collisions up to the desired energy. When the LHC gets up to speed, the accelerated protons will travel with nearly the speed of light. The machine will produce about 800 million proton-proton collisions every second.
CERN theoretical physicist, John Ellis tells VOA people should think of the LHC as the world's most fantastic microscope. He says the LHC will be able to look ten times deeper inside the structure of matter than any accelerator or microscope that has been built before.
"And, you should also think of it as being the world's most fantastic telescope because it recreates in some sense the conditions that occurred very early in the history of the Big Bang," said Ellis. "Not right back at the beginning, but a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. So, in addition to addressing really fundamental questions about the structure of matter, what it is made of, what holds it together, it is also going, I think give us insights into how the universe came to be the way that it is today."
Emeritus professor at the University of Edinburgh, British Peter Higgs (File)
Emeritus professor at the University of Edinburgh, British Peter Higgs (File)
Physicists believe the LHC will lead to the discovery of a new particle called the Higgs Boson, named after the British physicist Peter Higgs. The Higgs is often referred to as the missing link in the history of particle physics. It is thought to hold the answer to why sub-atomic particles have weight or mass.
Ellis says the LHC is capable of unlocking other issues of equal or greater scientific interest. He says his particular passion is to probe Dark Matter.
"Astronomers and cosmologists tell us that something like 80 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible, the so-called Dark Matter that nobody has ever seen. We know it is there because it exerts gravitational forces, but it does not shine, so presumably it is not made of the same stuff as regular matter," added Ellis. "To my mind it is amazing that here we are in the 21st century and we still do not know what most of the stuff in the universe is made of."
As CERN celebrates its achievement, some people are predicting the LHC will create a mammoth black hole that will swallow up the earth. Several lawsuits have been filed to stop the LHC from starting up.
Physicists call these doomsday scenarios ridiculous. They say cosmic rays have been bombarding the earth and triggering collisions similar to those planned for the collider, since the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago.
And, Physicists John Ellis and Lyn Evans note, so far, the earth has survived.
"There is absolutely no evidence that black holes are eating up planets thanks to these cosmic ray collisions. No black hole will swallow up the earth," continued Ellis.
"I do not expect to be swallowed up by," said Evans. "I think nobody in their right mind expects to be swallowed up by hypothetical black holes which are created in the LHC."
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Say a prayer for His Holiness

I pray he is not in much discomfort...
(CNN) -- The Dalai Lama was hospitalized Wednesday in western India.
Arriving accompanied by a police escort at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital, the 73-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader emerged from his car wearing his trademark red garb, waved to onlookers, and walked without assistance into the entrance.
On Wednesday, a posting on his Web site said the Dalai Lama had been "experiencing some discomfort in the past couple of days" that his physicians attributed to exhaustion and, as a result, would cancel his engagements for the next three weeks.
It said he would instead complete medical tests that were begun earlier this month.
The spokesman for Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital suggested that the visit was an unscheduled one.
"He comes every six months for a routine checkup. Around a month ago, a checkup was conducted, and he was in perfect health," Mohan Rajan told the Associated Press.
"There is no cause for concern," he added.
The Dalai Lama last week inaugurated a Buddhist temple in the south of France and met with French first lady Carla Sarkozy.
"The Dalai Lama is fine, he's just exhausted. He has had a hectic schedule for the last year, with events scheduled almost every day. He just returned from France two days ago," Tempa Tshering, a representative of the Dalai Lama in Delhi, India, told CNN on Wednesday.
He added that the Dalai Lama was "just postponing" the trips he had scheduled for the next three weeks, and will take some time off in Dharamsala, India.
The Dalai Lama's press secretary, Tenzing Takla, told CNN the spiritual leader "has a little bit of discomfort in his stomach. He is going for a checkup now."
From His Holiness' website
Published: Friday, 29 August, 2008
His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Join Prayers on 30 August 2008
Since arriving in Mumbai yesterday afternoon, His Holiness the Dalai Lama underwent some medical tests. The doctors attending on him have given assurances that there is absolutely no cause for concern. All that he needs is a good rest.
His Holiness will therefore join from Mumbai in the 12-hour fasting and prayers for peace and freedom that are being organized in Dharamsala and elsewhere on Saturday, 30 August 2008 by the Tibetan Solidarity Committee.
Monday, August 25, 2008
More animal goodness: Mother duck's 'bird brain' saves ducklings
She grabs police officer by pant leg to lead him to her brood trapped under grate
Nicholas Read Vancouver Sun

Don't mention "bird brains" to Ray Petersen, because after what happened this week, he won't hear a word of it.
Petersen, a community police officer for Granville Downtown South, was walking in the 1500-block Granville Street (directly under the Granville Bridge) Wednesday morning when a duck came up and grabbed him by the pant leg. Then it started waddling around him and quacking.
"I thought it was a bit goofy, so I shoved it away," Petersen said in an interview.
But the duck, a female (he thinks it was a mallard), wasn't about to give up that easily. Making sure she still had Petersen's eye, she waddled up the road about 20 metres and lay on a storm sewer grate.
Petersen watched and thought nothing of it.
"But when I started walking again, she did the same thing. She ran around and grabbed me again."
It became obvious to him then that something was up.
So when she waddled off to the sewer grate a second time, Petersen decided to follow.
"I went up to where the duck was lying and saw eight little babies in the water below. They had fallen down between the grates."
So Petersen took action. He phoned police Sergeant Randy Kellens, who arrived at the scene and, in turn, got in touch with two more constables.
"When they came down, the duck ran around them as well, quacking. Then she lay down on the grate," Petersen said.
While Kellens looked over into the grate, the duck sat on the curb and watched.
Then the two constables, John Schilling and Allison Hill, marshalled a tow truck that lifted the grate out of position, allowing the eight ducklings to be rescued one by one with a vegetable strainer.
"While we were doing this, the mother duck just lay there and watched," Petersen says.
Once the ducklings were safe, however, she set about marching them down to False Creek, where they jumped into the water.
Kellens followed them to make sure they were all right, but elected to remain on shore.
The experience has changed Petersen's mind about ducks. He thinks they're a lot smarter than he used to.
And while he never ate duck before, he says he wouldn't dream of it now.
(The duckies pictured above are not the family discussed in the article, just cute birds.)
Nicholas Read Vancouver Sun

Don't mention "bird brains" to Ray Petersen, because after what happened this week, he won't hear a word of it.
Petersen, a community police officer for Granville Downtown South, was walking in the 1500-block Granville Street (directly under the Granville Bridge) Wednesday morning when a duck came up and grabbed him by the pant leg. Then it started waddling around him and quacking.
"I thought it was a bit goofy, so I shoved it away," Petersen said in an interview.
But the duck, a female (he thinks it was a mallard), wasn't about to give up that easily. Making sure she still had Petersen's eye, she waddled up the road about 20 metres and lay on a storm sewer grate.
Petersen watched and thought nothing of it.
"But when I started walking again, she did the same thing. She ran around and grabbed me again."
It became obvious to him then that something was up.
So when she waddled off to the sewer grate a second time, Petersen decided to follow.
"I went up to where the duck was lying and saw eight little babies in the water below. They had fallen down between the grates."
So Petersen took action. He phoned police Sergeant Randy Kellens, who arrived at the scene and, in turn, got in touch with two more constables.
"When they came down, the duck ran around them as well, quacking. Then she lay down on the grate," Petersen said.
While Kellens looked over into the grate, the duck sat on the curb and watched.
Then the two constables, John Schilling and Allison Hill, marshalled a tow truck that lifted the grate out of position, allowing the eight ducklings to be rescued one by one with a vegetable strainer.
"While we were doing this, the mother duck just lay there and watched," Petersen says.
Once the ducklings were safe, however, she set about marching them down to False Creek, where they jumped into the water.
Kellens followed them to make sure they were all right, but elected to remain on shore.
The experience has changed Petersen's mind about ducks. He thinks they're a lot smarter than he used to.
And while he never ate duck before, he says he wouldn't dream of it now.
(The duckies pictured above are not the family discussed in the article, just cute birds.)
Last weekend...
A friend and myself headed out for a wooded sanctuary by Mt. Adams for some relaxation and time in the trees. This particular place is know for interesting sky phenomenon. This cloud was hanging out next to the mountain for two hours without moving, when it finally did begin to dissipate it started to separate into rings. Pretty swell...

Byron Katie
I have found her work to be very useful in the transformation of impressions and investigation of the mind. Hopefully her simple, clear instructions will benefit your work as well...
Here is a worksheet to go with the video.
Here is a brief explanation of the work.
An excerpt from Loving What Is (Her book.)
One belief at a time worksheet, a written contemplation.
Here is a worksheet to go with the video.
Here is a brief explanation of the work.
An excerpt from Loving What Is (Her book.)
One belief at a time worksheet, a written contemplation.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Chelas by H.P. Blavatsky

NOTWITHSTANDING the many articles which have appeared in this magazine upon the above subject, much misunderstanding and many false views seem still to prevail. What are Chelas, and what are their powers? Have they faults, and in what particular are they different from people who are not Chelas? Is every word uttered by a Chela to be taken as gospel truth?
These questions arise because many persons have entertained very absurd views for a time about Chelas, and when it was found that those views should be changed, the reaction has been in several cases quite violent.
The word "Chela" simply means a disciple; but it has become crystallized in the literature of Theosophy, and has, in different minds, as many different definitions as the word "God" itself. Some persons have gone so far as to say that when a man is a Chela he is at once put on a plane when each word that he may unfortunately utter is taken down as ex cathedra, and he is not allowed the poor privilege of talking like an ordinary person. If it be found out that any such utterance was on his own account and responsibility, he is charged with having misled his hearers.
Now this wrong idea must be corrected once for all. There are Chelas and Chelas, just as there are MAHATMAs and MAHATMAS. There are MAHATMAS in fact who are themselves the Chelas of those who are higher yet. But no one, for an instant, would confound a Chela who has just begun his troublous journey with that greater Chela who is a MAHATMA.
In fact the Chela is an unfortunate man who has entered upon "a path not manifest," and Krishna says that "that is the most difficult path."
Instead of being the constant mouthpiece of his Guru, he finds himself left more alone in the world than those who are not Chelas, and his path is surrounded by dangers which would appall many an aspirant, were they depicted in natural colors, so that instead of accepting his Guru and passing an entrance examination with a view to becoming Bachelor of the Art of Occultism under his master's constant and friendly guidance, he really forces his way into a guarded enclosure, and has from that moment to fight and conquer--or die. Instead of accepting he has to be worthy of acceptance. Nor must he offer himself. One of the Mahatmas has, within the year, written--"Never thrust yourself upon us for Chelaship; wait until it descends upon you."
And having been accepted as a Chela, it is not true that he is merely the instrument of his Guru. He speaks as ordinary men then as before, and it is only when the master sends by means of the Chela's Magnetism an actual written letter, that the lookers-on can say that through him a communication came.
It may happen with them, as it does with any author occasionally, that they evolve either true or beautiful utterances, but it must not be therefore concluded that during that utterance the Guru was speaking through the Chela. If there was the germ of a good thought in the mind, the Guru's influence, like the gentle rain upon the seed, may have caused it to spring into sudden life and abnormally blossom, but that is not the master's voice. The cases in fact are rare in which the masters speak through a Chela.
The powers of Chelas vary with their progress; and every one should know that if a Chela has any "powers," he is not permitted to use them save in rare and exceptional cases, and never may he boast of their possession. So it must follow that those who are only beginners have no more or greater power than an ordinary man. Indeed the goal set before the Chela is not the acquisition of psychological power; his chief task is to divest himself of that overmastering sense of personality which is the thick veil that hides from sight our immortal part--the real man. So long as he allows this feeling to remain, just so long will he be fixed at the very door of Occultism, unable to proceed further.
Sentimentality then, is not the equipment for a Chela. His work is hard, his road stony, the end far away. With sentimentality merely he will not advance at all. Is he waiting for the master to bid him show his courage by precipitating himself from a precipice, or by braving the cold Himalayan steeps? False hope; they will not call him thus. And so, as be is not to clothe himself in sentiment, the public must not, when they wish to consider him, throw a false veil of sentimentality over all his actions and words.
Let us therefore, henceforth, see a little more discrimination used in looking at Chelas.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tolerance by Samael Aun Weor

The phrase, “Do unto your neighbor as you would have him do unto you,” could be translated thus: “Become conscious of others and yourself.” So accordingly, if one does not put himself in his neighbors’ place he fails totally and will therefore neither Love nor understand anybody. But in order to put ourselves in another’s place and understand their point of view, we must reject our self-esteem.
This “I” must be eliminated if we truly want to understand another’s point of view. Normally, nobody sees another’s point of view, because we all live so dominated by the “I” of self-esteem and are incapable of putting ourselves in their place.
We are incapable of truly comprehending until we kill the “I” of self-esteem. This would be a big essential step forward. All these psychic elements personifying arrogance, intolerance and superiority must be destroyed in order for us to make progress towards awakening.
For example, arrogance makes us feel superior to other people. In reality, however, it only makes us behave like despots. An arrogant person can never feel Love for another. Therefore he cannot awaken. How can he, if he is arrogant?
What can we say about the “I” of superiority? Why do we feel so superior, high and mighty, so important in front of others. Why, when we are in fact only miserable worms in the mud of the earth.
Superiority is another obstacle to awakening. Superiority breeds intolerance, and intolerance breeds criticism. The critic sees many defects in others and fails to see any in himself. He is therefore blind to his own faults. So it is obvious that only when one puts oneself in another’s place, and sees with their point of view, can the individual develop and learn tolerance towards others. The result of tolerance is then the disappearance and eradication of criticism.
Therefore, it is essential to learn how to place ourselves in other points of view. We criticize a person who has robbed, but can we be sure we have never stolen from another? Can we honestly say we have never committed a theft?
Somebody commits adultery, and we criticize again. How can we be sure that never in our life we have not done the same thing? Then again, we see someone guilty of a particular defect, and criticize once more. How can we be certain that we also are not guilty of the same defect?
However, when one develops tolerance, the destructive criticism within us disappears and the Psychological and destructive “I” is destroyed. So this is what we need to do. Develop tolerance within, allowing the natural annihilation of intolerance to eventuate.
As tolerance develops, intolerance is destroyed. This is very clear in the most complete sense of the word. If for just an instant we could exchange our personality with our neighbor, we would be amazed to discover just how much we criticize him. Then with the experience of changed personalities we would learn not to criticize.
(Snagged from a post by a moderator at GnosticTeachings.com who also uses the name Chela. No relation! Thanks Chela for this wonderful morsel.)
Argentine dog saves abandoned baby
Some good news from the wire... What a sweet, gentle little doggie.

By Daniel Schweimler
BBC News, Buenos Aires
An eight-year-old dog has touched the hearts of Argentines by saving the life of an abandoned baby, placing him safely alongside her own new puppies.
The country's media are calling him "the miracle baby".
He was born prematurely to a 14-year-old girl in a shanty town outside the capital, Buenos Aires.
She is said to have panicked and abandoned the boy in a field, surrounded by wooden boxes and rubbish.
Then along came La China, the dog which somehow picked up the baby and carried him 50m to place him alongside her own puppies.
The dog's owner heard the child crying and found him covered with a rag.
The baby, weighing 4kg (8lb 13oz), had some slight injuries, but no bite marks. The owner called the police and the child is now being looked after by the authorities, while a decision is taken about his future.
The frightened mother appeared shortly after her baby was found.
The Argentine media has descended on the shanty town, talking of "the Argentine Romulus and Remus", the founders of Rome, abandoned as babies and rescued by a wolf, nearly 3,000 years ago.
La China, worried about her own puppies, is reported to be petrified by her new found fame, and her owner says he is worried that she is not eating.

By Daniel Schweimler
BBC News, Buenos Aires
An eight-year-old dog has touched the hearts of Argentines by saving the life of an abandoned baby, placing him safely alongside her own new puppies.
The country's media are calling him "the miracle baby".
He was born prematurely to a 14-year-old girl in a shanty town outside the capital, Buenos Aires.
She is said to have panicked and abandoned the boy in a field, surrounded by wooden boxes and rubbish.
Then along came La China, the dog which somehow picked up the baby and carried him 50m to place him alongside her own puppies.
The dog's owner heard the child crying and found him covered with a rag.
The baby, weighing 4kg (8lb 13oz), had some slight injuries, but no bite marks. The owner called the police and the child is now being looked after by the authorities, while a decision is taken about his future.
The frightened mother appeared shortly after her baby was found.
The Argentine media has descended on the shanty town, talking of "the Argentine Romulus and Remus", the founders of Rome, abandoned as babies and rescued by a wolf, nearly 3,000 years ago.
La China, worried about her own puppies, is reported to be petrified by her new found fame, and her owner says he is worried that she is not eating.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008

Karma 1: Cause and Effect
Written by Gnostic Instructor
This course is a basic introduction to fundamental principles of Gnosis. Gnosis is from Greek and means "knowledge," but this is not the knowledge of the intellect: it is the direct knowledge of the consciousness. When one studies true Gnosis, one studies experiential knowledge, as opposed to conceptual knowledge. The Gnosis of the tradition of Samael Aun Weor is directed entirely toward the realization of direct, experiential knowledge, without which there can be no real awakening. Therefore, to understand this course and the others available on this website, one must work to live and practice the principles expressed in the lectures, in order to verify through one's own experience the knowledge (Gnosis) that is being communicated. Without this daily effort in one's own life, this knowledge will remain as nothing more than ephemeral phantoms in the intellect, which can render no service for the betterment of your soul.
In order to be able to know, we first have to do. - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic
The Law of Cause and Effect
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. - Galatians 6:7
The true and practical meaning of this word Karma is completely unacknowledged in our modern society, much to our detriment. Karma, in fact, may be the least understood aspect of spirituality in the west. What is most surprising about this is the undeniable importance of Karma in the Christian religion, a teaching most of us are familiar with. But, in fact, the principles that the Law of Karma requires us to live by are completely ignored, in spite of the clarity with which Jesus taught them.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.
Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing. - Matthew 5
Karma is the universal law in all of creation: the law of cause and effect.
There are three eternal things:
1. Space
2. Karma
3. Nirvana
The universe arises and falls in cycles of birth and death. These are cosmic days and nights; great periods of manifestation and rest. Through out the birth and death of worlds and suns and cosmic systems, KARMA is the Law which equilibirates everything.
Naturally, the Law of Karma is well understood in the East, in Hinduism and Buddhism. In those teachings, the Sanskrit term ‘karma' is defined as "the law of cause and effect," or "the law of consequence." Karma is derived from the root work Karman.
Karman: (Sanskrit) an act.
Obviously, for every action, there is a result. This is well understood in materialistic physics through Newton's Laws of Motion:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. - Newton's Third Law
In Gnosis we understand that the physical world is inferior to many other dimensions or levels of reality. Scientifically, we understand that light has many levels of vibration. With our physical senses we only perceive an extremely narrow band of vibration.
Through the knowledge of Kabbalah we come to understand that the range of light we perceive physically corresponds to the world of Malkuth: the physical world. But above the range of visible light is a huge expanse of light: thise range corresponds to the superior worlds of the Kabbalah, or in other words, the Heavens. Likewise, the range of inferior vibrations, which is also extremely wide, corresponds to the inferior worlds of the Kabbalah, called the Klipoth or the Hell Realms.
To some degree, we can all perceive the results of action in the narrow band of physical action.
We do not perceive the results of action in the expanse of the ultra- and infra- regions.
All the vibrations of light interpentrate without confusion.
At this moment, we are surrounded by light corresponding to every range of vibration.
When you move your hand, you see the physical action and its results. But you do not see your hand moving in the ultraviolet. You do not see your hand moving in the infrared. It is possible to perceive these realms if we have the means. However, we do not refer to physical technologies, which are merely an extension of the physical senses: we refer to psychological technologies, which traditionally are called meditation, clairvoyance, and dream yoga.
All action has results throughout the range of worlds. The movement of your hand produces results that you cannot perceive with the physical senses.
Karma, cause and effect, is universal and all-penetrating.
The true meaning of the Law of Karma is devasting to the mind. The true activity of this law, the reality of this law, is something that the mind cannot contain. Because the law of karma is real, it is the very fabric of this entire existence around you and within you. In a way, you yourself ARE karma, and everything you think, feel and do is karma.
You may think you can grasp this. You may think, "Yes, I understand that karma is the law of cause and effect and that if I do something bad then something bad will happen to me."
Yes, that is true. If you hurt someone, then you will be hurt. It is the function of the law to balance all action. The law of karma is the law of the scale.
This law is present in everything. For everything we do there is a reaction, a response. And perhaps some of us DO get this, and we try to behave well.
But the true depth of this law, the profound reach of this law, is something that none of us truly understand. Because if we did, we would not live the way we do.
What would happen if we really understood that everything we think creates karma?
Every thought!
Every single, solitary thought that enters your mind, that processes in your mind...
This is to say nothing of our feelings, our intentions, our fantasies, and our actions! Thought alone can create karma. That means that our thinking is creating something. Our out-of-control mind, that runs and thinks and considers and imagines without control and without awareness is generating a constant stream of energy, an energy that will inevitably have some effect.
In us, by far the majority of our thinking is self-concerned. Most if not all thoughts are about us and what we want. Most if not all thoughts are coming from selfish desire, from concern about MYSELF, ME, WHAT I WANT. And we cannot control it. We cannot stop thinking. Those of us who try to meditate face this tremendous reality everytime we sit. Thoughts are happening on many levels of the mind, both subtle and gross, and they are manifesting without a conscious choice on our part.
This is a wellspring of suffering for us. Because we are ignorant of the effect of this way of living, we persist in deepening our suffering.
This is not a matter of opinion. This is not a matter of what one doctrine says or what another teacher says. This is a matter of life and death, of pain and suffering. The full understanding of this law is vital no matter what tradition you believe in, no matter what you want to do with your life, because whatever you do you are subject to the law of karma and if you remain ignorant of this law, you will create nothing but problems for yourself and others.
Many of us may think that this Law only applies to things like stealing or murder. But really, it applies to everything in life. Remember the words of the Master Jesus, when he said:
You have heard that it was said to the men of old, ‘You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable to judgement.' But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgement; whoever insults his brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says, "You fool!" shall be liable to the hell of fire. - Matthew 5:21
Jesus is giving us a tremendous clue in this wisdom, that we should understand the law with our conscience, and know that we can kill with a word, with a glance, with our will. We can kill without a knife or a gun. And he tells us that even these actions, that seem so normal, so acceptable, are cause for judgement and punishment. He is saying what he said over and over: that we will reap only what we sow in life. As we do, so shall we receive.
And if we continue day after day nursing resentments against our spouse, our co-workers, and continue feeding our anger toward our father and mother, and continue generating anger toward people on the street, in the grocery store, on the freeway, what do you think you are sowing in the field of your life? What seeds are you planting there? And what do you expect that those seeds will grow?
It's obvious, isn't it? If we plant the seeds of anger, then happiness will not grow there. It's impossible. Yet we expect this. If we plant the seeds of greed, then contentment will not grow there. It cannot happen that way! If you want to grow green beans you cannot plant a thorn bush, and yet this is exactly what we do, everyday.
Once we deeply comprehend this fact, we can see that we are responsible for the state of our life, we are responsible for the well being of others, we are responsible for everything that we experience in life. But for us, who do not comprehend, we blame others, we blame everyone else, and we never recognize that the primary person who is at fault for our problems is OURSELVES.
Whatever affliction may visit you is for what your own hands have earned.
- Qur'an 42.30
We all say, "If I had a better job" or a better husband or a better car or, "if I get this new computer or this new book or if I can make a little more money or move to a different city, then and only then will I finally be contented and happy and then I will start to do good for others. I'll do some charity once I have everything I need."
We all say, "my boss is making me miserable, my sister is making me angry, my wife is making me anxious, my friend is making me jealous,... and if they change, then things will be better for me. If my husband changes, then I can be a cheerful person. But as long as he keeps being the way he is, then I can't do it."
Whatever harm a foe may do to a foe, or a hater to a hater, an ill-directed mind can do one far greater harm. - The Buddha Shakyamuni, from the Dhammapada, 42
We are hurting ourselves. It is not my bosses fault that I am miserable at work. It is my reaction to it that creates my suffering. And really, it is karma: if someone is making me suffer, it is my responsibility to see how I have made others suffer in the same way.
Confucius said:
In vain have I looked for a single man capable of seeing his own faults and bringing the charge home against himself.
We must begin to examine our lives, and our minds, in order to see why we are in the situation we are in. And what are we doing in response to it all?
Our habits of thinking, habits of feeling, and habits of action are all self-centered. None of us have selfless habits. And really, this is a tremendous clue to us, a way for us to determine when and where we are acting in an out of balance way: we must begin to recognize when we are acting out of self-will. That is, seeking to satisfy our selves, our sense of "me," our attachments, our desires, our wishes, our rules, our requirements, our demands, our dreams, our passions. When we are concerned only with feeding ourselves, or our own interests, WHO ARE WE STEALING FROM TO DO IT? Who are we hurting in order to serve ourselves? What imbalances are we creating? Observe the state of the world, the imbalances from culture to culture, and observe this in our city, in our families... It is quite evident that the state of our world is a result of this habitual fascination with "me, myself and I"...
Suffering begins the moment we act from self-will. Remember the story of Adam and Eve: mankind was cast out of perfection when we acted from desire, and went against the Law. Thus, we began to pay for our actions. Previous to that, we were in balance with the Law, with Creation.
It is urgent for us all to recognize our responsibility for our life. Everything in our lives is ultimately our responsibility, whether we like it or not. And the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we can change things. It is only by recognizing that we create our own lives that we can begin to create a better one.
Dreaming does not work. Mind control, positive thinking, etc are nothing when compared to someone who knows how to act in accordance with the Law.
I have heard and realized that bondage and salvation are both within yourself.
- Acarangasutra 5.36
The law of karma is in activity in your life every day. Every moment. And in every moment, in every action, in every thought, in every feeling, we are creating something.
If you push against an object, it will fall over. Likewise, if I scream in anger at you it will have an undeniable effect on you. Even if I feel anger toward you, you will sense it. And even if I think angry thoughts about you, it will affect you. But the most profound thing is that each of these stages, from intention, to feeling, to action, affects me far more powerfully than you. It is as if my anger was a handleless sword, and in trying to cut you, I am cutting off my own arm.
This is so because everything we feel, think and do is energy.
Consider this: it is known in western science now that everything we see is an illusion, because everything is made of energy. Mass is not really solid, nor is it lasting. All mass becomes energy and all energy becomes mass. This is something that was understood long before western scientists "discovered" it, of course, but even now it is something that none of us can really grasp.
At bottom is this fact: everything in the universe is energy. Energy is manifest as vibration, and is characterized by constant transformation and change. Nothing is still or stagnant: everything is moving, and changing.
We ourselves are undergoing constant transformation, though we are ignorant of it. Our bodies change dramatically every day, but we do not have the capacity to observe it.
Our bodies, our minds, our feelings, our thoughts, our dreams, our desires, our intentions, our wishes, everything is energy. A thought is energy. A feeling of love is an energy.
Wherever we are at this moment, there is a tremendous exchange of energy happening moment to moment. There are powerful atomic processes happening all the time, but we do not have the capacity to observe it.
As someone speaks to you they are sending energy to you. As you receive it there is a transformation that occurs in your psyche, in your mind, and hopefully, if you are present and aware and not day dreaming, there is a transformation in your consciousness.
Likewise, as you think and feel there are energies that are being processed: all of this exchange of energy is a process of creation and destruction.
In transformation, there is birth and there is death.
When you think, something is created.
When you feel, something is created.
So karma then, does not concern mere physical action. It concerns the entirety of life, from the first moment to the last. Every moment is a moment in which something is created. And in every moment, something is destroyed.
This is not just a theory or an idea. This is not a dogma or a belief. This is a LAW. IT IS. Ignorance does not excuse you from the law. Neither does opposition to the law. You may not believe the government is just in its laws, and you may oppose the laws, but if you break them, then you will pay for that. You can park in a fire lane, but you will pay for it. Likewise, you can break the Law of Karma, you can do whatever you wish, but you will pay for it. And payment is not pleasant.
So it is better to be fully educated with regard to the Law of Karma.
The Law of Karma is the Law of the Balance. The Law of Karma seeks to keep everything in the universe in balance. That is all. It is not a law of punishment or vengence. Nor is it merciless. In fact, as you will see later in the course, it is deeply compassionate.
And most importantly, the Law is not "out to get you." Law without mercy is tyranny, and God is not cruel and unjust. Just as your actions have created effects, then you can act further, in a different way, to create different effects, and cancel your debts. You can work with the Law, to be in accordance with the Law, and be in harmony.
The Lion of the Law is combated with the scale.
(The full course can be found at http://www.gnosticteachings.org )
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